Chapter 19

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Laurents POV
I️ can't believe what's really happening right now. I️ fucked up big time.. all that's repeating in my head is that she told Lylah that she loves me. After Lylah got done fussing at me she walked out and I️ was just frozen.

Larry: Damn she's still sexy as fuck

Me: Larry

Larry: My bad ... but you fucked up my brother

Me: Don't you think I️ know that

He put his hands up in defense. I️ need to talk to Yn but I️ need to talk to Jacob also the only way I️ could get him to believe me is if I️ lie to him so that's what I'm going to have to do. We went to the house and his car was in front and he was sitting on the porch. As soon as I️ got out the car he jumped up and ran towards me then Larry jumped in front of me. See I'm not a physical person but Larry he is.

Larry: Aye calm down

I️ can see the hate in Jacobs eyes. He pushed passed Larry because of course Larry's short attention span caught up with him and Jacob pushed me down and started punching me in the face. Larry grabbed his shoulders and pulled him back.

Me: Bro stop and listen to me!

Jacob: Listen to you for what?! My best friend is at home crying her fucking eyes out because of you!

Me: I'm sorry ok I️ didn't mean for nothing like this to happen!

Jacob: How didn't you?! What you thought she wasn't gonna find out?!!

Me: Those are old pictures Jacob like ok... Larry get off of me so I️ can talk

He was just sitting on my stomach while I️ was laying on my back.

Larry: But I comfortable and if this nigga try to touch you again I fuck him up

Jacob: Bet

Jacob stood up then Larry stood up.

Larry: Bet

I️ quickly got up before things escalated.

Me: Chill... Larry go inside let us talk please

He didn't even look at me his eyes stayed contacted with Jacob then he finally went in the house.

Jacob: Talk

Me: That girl is my ex we broke up right before I️ met Yn those pictures are from last year I️ truly did go to see my friend for his birthday weekend I️ would never do her like that. My ex is crazy ok she's only posting those pictures cause I'm ignoring her and she wants my attention. You have to believe me

Jacob: I️ let my guard on Yn down she let her guard down how could I believe you

Me:Jacob please ok

Jacob: You can't see her

He started walking to his car but I️ grabbed his arm.

Me: I️ love her and from what I️ know she loves me you can't keep us away from each other

Jacob: You don't love her if you did you would treat her like it...y'all aren't even in a real relationship and you doing wrong

He got in the car and drove off. I️ can't stand the fact that I'm lying to them but I️ have to do it even if it isn't right. I️ walked in the house to see Larry eating rice crispy treats.

Me: Larry I️ gotta go

Larry: Lau what are you talking about?

Me: I'm going to see Yn

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