Chapter 30

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Yn's POV

I open my eyes and got a real bad headache. I looked to my left and seen Jacob.


He was sleep so as I was calling his name I was trying to reach him but I couldn't so I grabbed a box of tissue that was next to me and threw it at him and he finally woke up.

Jacob:What the hell

He looked at me then jumped up.

Jacob:Yn.. Larry get up

Larry didn't budge so he went over there and pushed him.

Jacob:Get up bro she's awake


Then they both walked over to me.

Larry:Oh my goosh belle

I tried to sit up but they both stopped me.

Larry:I'm going to get the nurse ok

Jacob looked at me with so much shock.

Me:What's wrong?

Jacob:I'm sorry... I never meant to hurt you bonita

Me:I never thought you would hurt me but things happen

Jacob:....I will never hurt you again I was a dumbass kid and I'm sorry

Me:It's ok

Jacob:It's not I'm never supposed to hurt the people I love

Me:I hurt you too sometimes so it's ok

Larry walked back in.

Larry:Belle I knew you would push through I'm so happy I don't know what to do...hey L-

He turned around and looked confused. Then he looked at Jacob and shook his head.

Larry:Belle I want you to know that no matter what Jacob and I love you

Me:I love you guys too

The nurse came in and told us how long I have to be in here to recover and all that stuff.

Me:Dang I don't think I can do 8 weeks.

Jacob:Well you're only in here for 3 weeks then we can take you home. You might get to leave early

Me:I wanna go now

Larry:Belle it'll go by fast

The nurse came back in with a small tray of food.

Nurse:Ok now Ms.Yn I know you probably don't feel like eating but we need you to get some nutrients in your body ok I'll be back in a little while to check on your vitals


I sat there for a minute and I felt Larry and Jacob staring at me.


Jacob: You need to eat

Me: but I'm not hungry

Larry:Belle its doesn't matter if you not hungry it's important that you eat

Jacob:Just eat a little at a time ok


Larry's POV

I'm so glad to see belle talking but I'm so mad at my brother this just shows that he didn't care from the start... I sat back while Yn ate and just was scrolling down my instagram.. I went to his page and seen that it was disabled so I decided to call him but his phone is off. I just don't understand.

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