Chapter 22

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3 weeks later

Yn's POV
I️ woke up this morning with a really bad headache. Jacob was laying next to me and I️ guess he seen my facial expression.

Jacob: What's wrong Bonita?

Me: Oh I️ just have a really bad headache

Jacob: You want some medicine

Me: Now you know medicine don't work for me

Jacob: Hey But I️ just thought you would want to try

Me: Naw imma just drink some water.

I️ got up and I️ felt Jacob staring.

Me: What buddy?

Jacob: You ok?

Me: Yeah of course why not?

Jacob: Cause Of What happened

I️ took a deep breath...


Jacobs POV

Its been three weeks and she's been having small break downs but now she has calmed down just a little.

Yn: yea...

Me: I'm here..

Yn: I️ think I'm just going to go to the studio and come up with some more choreography

Me: Ok well how long you gonna be up there?

Yn: All day probably

Me: Hmm imma go play ball and I'll come by later ok

Yn: ok

She got ready in 45 minutes and left.

Yn's POV
My Uber was cute he had a nice hair cut and tattoos. Me being nice I️ just gave him a tip but I️ know I'm not his type so I️ didn't try anything. When I️ got to the studio I️ was confused cause I️ heard music coming from my studio. I️ opened the door and seen someone dancing he had a big Afro that's all I️ could see cause he was turned around. I️ went and turned the music off and he stopped then looked at me through the mirror.... it was Larry. When I️ seen him it came back what happened between me and Laurent came back.I️ was kind of speechless he gave me a confused face.

Larry:Oh umm hey Yn


Larry: What you do here?

Me:This is my studio

Larry:What Really I sorry I️ was no really paying attention to the doors sorry

Me:No it's ok

Larry:I️ heard what happen... my brother is an idiot I told him plenty of time to leave her alone she is just using him. But he doesn't listen... you mean something to him he just won't understand

I️ smiled at him cause his accent is adorable like you know broken English.

Larry: What you smile at?

Me:You... "Doesn't"

I️ started laughing and he just stared at me.

Me:Ok ok I'm sorry

Larry:*smiling* Whatever

Me:It's so cute

Larry:You're cute

Me: What?

Larry:Oh nothing but since I in you studio I'm gonna go

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