Chapter 4

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Jacob's POV
I can't believe that y/n was going through this I really feel like a bad friend I wasn't even there for her... and her family they just didn't care. Yesterday I brought her to the hospital and I stayed a little while just to make sure everything is fine after they got her in the room and all fixed up and stuff I went to my house..luckily Jae wasn't there and I went in the room to get some clothes for y/n yes she has clothes here why wouldn't she. When I got all her clothes together I went back to the hospital they said that she still hasn't woken up. I went ahead and went to sleep. When I woke up the doctor was on checking her vitals and stuff. "How's she doing?" He jumped a little cause he didn't know I was woke "You scared me but she's doing way better then yesterday" that made me feel a little better "Well do you know why she passed out?" "It seems that's she had a panic attack" Now when he said that I got really scared see y/n use to have panic attacks almost every other day I really don't want them to happen again "D-Do you think she'll have em again?" "Honestly what she's been through she just might have them more often" I really don't wanna see her go through this pain it hurts me. I sighed "It'll be ok she'll get through it" "I hope so" He looked at me kind of strange "Are you ok? You looked horrible.. no offense" I knew exactly what he meant "none taken she's just my bestfriend my everything and I wasn't even there for her I didn't push for her to tell me the truth I just let her keep lying..." I was trying to hold back my tears but I just couldn't he came over sat next to me and rubbed my back "What all happened?" "He raped her and beat her and I-I wasn't there to h-help her" I just broke down "Look son it's all gonna be fine she's gonna be fine ok don't beat yourself up about it" after about five more minutes of me crying we heard something and it was y/n moving around "I guess she figured it was time to get up" he said standing up and walking over to her I got up and sped walked over to her "Y/n" she opened her eyes and looked at me I smiled and she furrowed her eyebrows "Why you crying like a little bitch" Both the doctor and I laughed there's my y/n "I just miss you trick" "I was sleep how the fuck You miss me" We all just laughed "Fuck you" "Why so violent?" The doctor asked "Oh she's way more violent then this one time when we were a little younger-" "Don't you say it" she cut me off "uh oh" he said "she stabbed me in my thigh" I said real fast and got up before she could hit me "What I told you" "And why would she do that?" "Cause I kissed another girl" "Well I see why now haha but I'll leave you two so that you guys can have some quality time" "Ok thank so much for your help" I said giving him a hug. After that he walked out the room and I got in the hospital bed with y/n and let her lay her head on my chest.


"I'm sorry Jacob" I said while playing with his fingers " For what?" "Lying to you I was just trynna keep you safe" he held onto my hand tight "y/n you don't need to keep me safe I'm suppose to keep you safe no matter what ok don't do that shit again when I ask you are you ok tell me the truth. It really hurts me seeing you like this. I love you and you know that don't make this hard on me..on us all I wanna know is that you safe at all times so I took matters into my own hands and decided that you're gonna live with me" before He could even Finish i popped up should've never done that it hurted so bad "Be careful babe" "J-Jacob I-I can't-" He cut me off "You can and you will I'm not taking no for an answer so don't try to change my mind y/n what did I say when we were younger I will be with will be with me til the day we die even after then we will still be together ok so stop trynna be all big and shit and lay the fuck down so I can take care of you and protect you cause I swear to god if that nigga come around again he's gonna end up in the same position as you" I looked at him this is really the greatest best friend anyone could ask for I laid back down "You're not going back to that house ever again" "But I have to get my clothes and stuff " "No I'll buy you new things" He's so sweet but I can't let him do that "No Jacob" "Yes y/n stop telling me no now imma go get the doctor so we can get you the hell outta here" he got up and went and got them they checked me and everything I signed the papers and we was out.

Jacob's POV
We got to my house and y/n looked miserable I just picked her up bridal style and carried her upstairs I know it hurt but her trying to walk by herself hurts her worse. When we got to my room I laid her down in my bed "I'll be right back I'm going to get you something to eat with your medicine" she nodded her head and I kissed her forehead. I walked downstairs only to see the wicked bitch.. I'm sorry but I don't even know why I've tried with her.. it was cool in the beginning but she has really changed. "Heyy sugar plum" "Don't call me that why are you here? How did you get here?" She came close to me and grabbed my belt buckle "I just got here and I wanted to see you" I sighed "Jae I'm really not in the mood" "Why baby?" I don't mean to be rude to her but I just want to give y/n my attention "Listen Jae can you just please come back later this week I got a lot of stuff going o-" I got cut off by a loud thump from upstairs I knew it was y/n I really hope she's ok. I turned around and started running upstairs and jae was following right behind me asking a million questions  "What was that? Is someone in here?" I just ignored her and ran into the room to see y/n on the floor "fuck" I mumbled I went over to go pick her her and put her back on the bed " y/n what I told you? You have to be careful why are you even getting out the bed?" "I had to pee, fuck you want me to pee in the bed?" I laughed at her "Come on let me help you" I got her in the bathroom " You need help with anything?" She turned around "No now get out so I can pee in private" "whatever" I walked out the bathroom and closed the door and jae was still standing there with her eyes filled with tears "You cheating on me?" Here we go with this "Jae she's my best friend" "I don't give a fuck why is she in my house!?" I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to take away the words that I really wanted to say. "Please don't do this I told you to stop yelling at me when it's not called for this isn't your house for the last time."

I just stayed in the bathroom once I heard them arguing I didn't want to bother then I heard her say something " she doesn't belong here and you know that no one gives a fuck about her (btw Jae is y/n's cousin by marriage) she makes people believe that she gets raped when she really likes it cause she's a hoe Jacob! But she deserves to get beat she deserves to get hurt cause she doesn't belong here..not in this house not in your life not on this earth." She said coldly. I blocked out everything that was said after that. She was right I don't belong here I can't stay here. I just got up and there was another door on the other side of the bathroom so I went through there I wrote a small note to Jacob and sat it on the island in the kitchen then I just left I started walking, to where I don't know I'm still in pain but I just have to get over it.

I've been walking for about two hours now and still don't know where I'm at but I'm just really really tired so I just laid down on the ground and fell asleep.

Jacob's POV
I can't believe Jae just said that "Jae get the fuck out my house" I said calmly "You know you don't want me to leave baby" I don't even care anymore "Get the fuck out my house before I do something that I won't regret!!" She looked scared but I could care less she walked out the door and I sat on the bed then I thought for a minute "y/n has been in the bathroom for a long time" I went and knocked on the door "y/n" I knocked again no answer so I just opened the door she wasn't there i didn't panic yet cause I seen the other door open so I figured she went into another room. I checked all the rooms and still didn't see her now I'm starting to panic "y/n!" Still no fucking answer when I got to the kitchen I seen a note on the island it was from her :"Jacob I'm sorry that I have been making your life worse..what jae said was true I don't belong here I'm just going to go..where I don't know but once again I just want to say sorry." I had tears in my tears "Fuck!" I threw the note in the floor and grabbed my keys and ran out the house I don't know where I was going but I was determined to find her.

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