Chapter 1

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Jacob: Nope should've never said that
Y/N: Please it hurts..(You lied).. ok ok I'm sorry
Jacob: Then say it
Y/N: Mr.Fernando is not a shrimp he's a monster ready to tear someone's insides up
Jacob:Good girl
Y/N and Jacob have been best friends since middle school..(btw you lost your virginity to him.) Jacob got upset cause you was dissing Mr.Fernando calling him a shrimp when you know that he will fuck you up you won't be able to walk anymore. (Ok back to the story) after Jacob got done tickling me I pushed him off of me and he did a little smirk to show his success.
   " It ain't funny hoe" I said and totally regretted cause I just knew what he was about to say " You wasn't calling me a hoe when you was bouncing on this dick!" I blushed in shame and hid my face with my hand. Why does he have to always do this? " Aww Bonita blushing" He's been calling me that every since we were younger. "Shut the fuck up" I said getting defensive. "Come here to daddy or as you like to say pappiii" he said while moaning and mocking me. Yes me and Jacob have sex no we are not together we kind of decided to just be best friends with "benefits" if you know what I mean. I just looked at him and rolled my eyes I mean of course I hopped over there in papi's lap who wouldn't? Honestly if I didn't he would've forced me. No he's not abusive not at all just when we getting it on Mr.Fernando can get a lil rough but not too rough. Anyways me and Jacob cuddled all day that's what we do a lot but for some reason something has been feeling weird about him lately so I sat up and looked at him.

Jacob's POV
So me and y/n have been getting really close but I really need to tell her something cause I don't want her finding out and things go wrong and all that.. While deep in thought I felt her sit up and saw her staring at me. "What's wrong Bonita?" I said while grabbing her hand "Jacob what's going on" I gave her a what the fuck you talking bout face "Don't look at me like that you know that I know when you're hiding something cause you always act nice so what the fucks up?" I sighed and sat up with my legs hanging off the bed "Look Bon-"gco "Ain't no look Bonita don't beat around the bush just spit it out" I sighed in frustration " Fine.. I... I have a girlfriend.." she looked at me and I saw I little bit of hurt in her eyes but then it went away in a quick second y/n doesn't really show her emotions that's why I can never tell if she's sad mad or whatever. She didn't say anything she just looked at the wall behind me "Bonita?"

I can't believe what I just heard Jacob has a.. a girlfriend... "Bonita?" I looked at him and he looked concerned I just put on a fake smile and chuckled " That's...that's great Jacob I'm very happy for you" he looked at me and I know he could tell I was lying " Bonita-" I cut him off " No no it's fine really and maybe I should get going" even though I didn't want to go "home" I hated saying that but I walked downstairs to the living room and got my stuff when I was about to open them door Jacob came and blocked it " Bonita listen to me" he said grabbing my stuff and sitting it down " Jacob I shouldn't be here" "Yes, yes you should you are my best friend that's not gonna change this is your home also" honestly I wish I did live with him instead of the wreck I'm in. He grabbed my waist " Bestfriends shouldn't be doing this" " I haven't made it official with her yet so technically you own papi until she comes, actually you will always own papi" he said with his deep voice breathing on my neck I let out a slight moan as he pulled me closer " That's my Bonita.. besides papi isn't gonna let you walk home and he doesn't feel like driving so how about you get your sexy little ass back in the bed and be a good girl for me" he said while grabbing a hand full of my ass I love when he does that. I bit my lip and just obeyed by papi's rules I went upstairs turned then tv on and soon as I laid down that's when he came and laid right behind me he pulled me close to him and kissed my neck "Goodnight Bonita" "Goodnight Papi".

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