Chapter 47

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2 1/2 months later

Larry's pov

Things have not been good....the past 2 weeks Yn has been horrible. She still doesn't want anyone to know, the kids have been staying with mom the last 3 days... I've been trying so hard to be strong for her but my strength is slowly going away. I just made her a sandwich, some tea and brought it up to her. I sat on the side of the bed next to her and she grabbed my arm.

Yn:It's ok larry...I'm going to be ok..

I close my eyes holding back my tears...Belle has lost so much weight..she barely had an appetite been coughing up blood...

Me:Belle we have to tell someone

Yn:No larry everything will be ok

There was a knock on the door. I took a deep breath kissed her forehead and went down stairs. I opened the door and it was Lau.. I called him earlier asking him to come over because I can't do this anymore.. I can't not tell my brother..especially since Belle is the mother of his kids.

Lau:Wassup Larry

Me:Wassup...umm come in the guest room with me

He had a confused face.We walked down the hall to the room and I closed the door behind us.

Lau:Is everything ok?

Laurent's pov

So Larry's acting pretty weird.. the other day when I was telling him that I was coming to get the kids he told me that mom wanted them this week. But when I talked to her she said that he needed her to keep them this week... another thing about it is that I haven't talked to Yn.. she hasn't answered any of my texts nothing I literally have only been communicating with Larry about the kids and he barely replies. Anyways when he asked me to come over he was very dry about it.... Something's going on and I'm going to find out.

Me:Is everything ok?

He looked at me.


Tears started falling.

Larry: No is not..

Me: Hey Larry talk to me

He closed his eyes then took a deep breath..

Larry: It's Belle...

Me: What's wrong?

Larry:Th-The c-cancers back...

He choked on his words and my eyes widened..

Me:It's back? What?...

He opened his eyes and looked at me as he played with his fingers.

Larry:It's bad this time's so bad

He just broke down and I pulled him into a tight hug.

Larry:Lau I don't know what to do

I've never seen my brother like this before. Him crying this hard makes me even more sad, of course I shed a few tears because Yn still means a lot to me.

Me: Larry why didn't y'all tell me?

Larry: She no want me to...she no want anyone to worry..

She's always been like that...but she should know that we care for her so much we need her...we need her to always tell us when something's wrong. I put my hand on his head as he cried on my shoulder.

Larry:I tried Lau...I tried so hard to be strong so that she can be strong but it hurts..

Me:I know Larry I know..

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