Chapter 21

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Laurents POV

What is wrong with Jacob?? I️ get that he doesn't like me but he doesn't have to take it out on belle. When we got to the house she went and laid flat on the couch. I️ walked over to her and she had a blank face.

Me: Belle

Yn: It's ok Laurent I'll be fine

Me:... well I'm here if you need to talk... are you hungry I️ can go get you something to eat

Yn: A basket of junk food

I️ went to the store and got her what she needed when I️ came back she was watching some scary movie.

Yn: Yayy

Me: Don't eat too fast

Yn:Ok father

She sat down and I️ started walking the other direction.

Yn: Where you going?

Me: To the room

Yn: Nooo come in here with me

Me: But

Yn: Pretty Please

Me:Fine But I️ want to talk to you we can watch the movie later.

Yn: Ok

She was sitting on the floor with her legs Kriss Kross. So I️ laid on my back and put my head in her lap.

Yn: Soooo

Me: Sooo lets get to know more about each other the basics.

Yn: Ok what you wanna know about me?

Me: What do you not like?

Yn:...ummm good question... well for one I️ hate bar soap?

Me: Wait What?

Yn: Yeah I️ hate it Well I️ only hate it when someone else uses it

Me: Why?

Yn: Germy germs hun

Me: I️ guess..what else?

Yn: Scramble eggs.. they are gross

Me: Weirdo

Yn: I️f you say so.. I️ hate people that smack also

Me: Of course

Yn: What do you hate?

Me: I️ don't hate anything....

Yn: Come on there's something that you have to dislike

Me: Well actually there is...

Yn:And that is...

Me: When girls where makeup

She stopped what she was doing and got up making me hit my head on the floor.

Me: Ouch belle what's wrong?

I️ rolled on my side proped myself up on my elbow and rubbed my head.

Yn: You and Jacob are exactly the same ok you don't have to judge me cause I️ wear makeup.

Me: Belle Chill I'm not judging you I️ just don't like makeup

Yn: Whatever

She started moving stuff around and picking stuff up.

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