Chapter 35

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Yn's POV

I've been going through a lot of pain the past few hours. My whole body is worn out. As you guys should know I passed out after giving birth but the doctor says that I'm fine it happens to a lot of women. They just brought me in some juice and chips so I can get something on my stomach. Labor was horrible I literally thought I was about to die and the worse thing was that I couldn't get epidural. My back was killing me and it still is they gave me some medicine for the pain so hopefully it goes away soon. I'm just ready to see my babies and Laurent. The nurse came in the check on me again.

Nurse:Yeah sweetie how are you feeling?

Me:My back and my stomach still hurts

Nurse:Well the medicine takes about 20 minutes to kick in but if it doesn't work we'll try to up it ok

Me:Ok.. hey is my family still out there?

Nurse:Yes I think the doctor was just about to let them in

Me:What about my babies?

Nurse:I'll go check and make sure they're ready

As soon as she left out the doctor came in.

Doctor:You're wanting to be seen

I seen Jacob, Lylah, Larry and Laurent walk in. Laurent looked like he had been crying. Everyone walked up to me  and smiled.

Jacob:How are you feeling bonita?

Me:Just some pain

Larry:You're strong so we know you'll get through it

Lylah:How does it feel to be a mom

Me:It would feel better if I could see my babies.

I looked at Laurent and he came over to me and burst out in tears.

Me:Laurent What's wrong?

Laurent:I thought I watched you die Yn you were laying in my face lifeless

Me:I'm right here I'm not going anywhere

He hugged me and I made him sit on the bed.

Me:Did you see our babies yet?

Laurent:No I didn't want to see them without you.

He grabbed my hand.

Lylah:We just wanted to make sure you were straight babe

Jacob:Yeah We're gonna give you guys some time

Larry:Call us if you need anything

They left out.

Me:I'm glad you stayed

Laurent:Why would I leave?

I smiled at him and the nurse came back in.

Nurse:Ok guys there are two very important people that want to see you

Finally the moment I have been wanting on. She came over and passed me one of my babies and the other to Laurent. I couldn't help but cry he also shedded more tears.

Me:I can finally say that I have a family now

Nurse:Awww well I'm going to give you guys your time together come get me if you need anything.

Me:Yes ma'am

My babies are beautiful they look just like Laurent.

Me:They look just like you baby

Laurent:they have your eyelashes and ears

He got up and kissed me then walked around the room still holding the baby.

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