Chapter 34

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4 months later

Yn's POV

Jacob has been helping me with a lot... i eventually had a sit down conversation with Monique and I forgave her. Her and Jacob are great together like everytime I see them I can't help but smile.. Anyways I haven't talked to laurent in 4 months and he hasn't really talked to me. But I've talked to Larry and Lylah they're doing great too. My baby Lilo has FaceTimed me everyday...I really miss her. Speaking of baby mines are very healthy... yes I said mines I'm having twins.. when I found that out I instantly broke down because...


In mid thought Jacob interrupted me.

Jacob:Bonita why are you crying?

Me:I Umm I was just thinking about the babies.

I looked down at my stomach and rubbed it.

Jacob:What's wrong?

Me:Nothing everything is perfect...except..except Laurent... this is what he wanted he wanted twins he wanted a family and I haven't let him have it.

Jacobs POV

I knew that sooner or later this would happen.

Yn:Jacob I don't care anymore can you please get laurent here.

As much as I didn't want to I did because I know this is what she wants. I stepped outside the room to call him.

Phone convo


Me:Hey Laurent

Laurent:Hey Jacob...H-How is she doing?

Me:She's great she actually wants to see you

Laurent:Really oh my goodness I'm on my way right now

Me:Wait ...she hasn't been at my house

Laurent:What do you mean?

Me:That night I lied I didn't even know about her leaving until she wrote a note but I got rid of it before you came back in

Laurent:So Where is she?

Me:..a hotel

Laurent:A hotel for 4 months

Me:Yeah she didn't want to come to my house

Laurent: What's the hotel and room number

Me:I'll text it to you.

End of convo

Laurents POV

I can't believe that belle has been staying in a hotel. I don't care today is going to be her last day there she's coming back home with me. I got to the hotel and went up to the room. Before I knocked I took a deep breath then went ahead. She answered the door and had tears in her eyes which made them come to mine. Her belly was so big....

Me:Yn I-I'm sorry

Yn:I don't care

She hugged me tight and cried, I cried too you don't know how much I miss this girl.

Me:I miss you so much

Yn:I miss you too

I pulled away and took a look at her.

Me:You're getting so big

I got on my knees and put my hands on her stomach then kissed it.

Me:Hi baby.. I'm so sorry that I haven't been here but daddy's back.. I'm here to stay no matter what.

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