Chapter 8

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Yn's pov
I'm really glad me and Bruno worked things out tonight I know it all happened fast but hopefully it'll work out. When I got to Jacobs house I stayed in the driveway and hurried and put my clothes I left out with on so that Jacob couldn't see just in case he was woke. Which of course he is cause he's been blowing my phone up. I walked in the house and seen him running down the stairs "Y/n where the fuck have you been you had me worried sick! Are you ok?! Are you hurt?!" He said while touching me he kept talking but I cut him off "Jacob Jacob hush I'm fine I just went out to the bar" I looked mad "Don't you ever do that again" "I'm sorry" I think I should go ahead and tell him "Jacob can we sit down and talk" He looked confused "umm sure yeah I guess" We went in the living I was nervous as fuck... I didn't know if he was gonna be mad and flip out or what... we sat down and he stared at me I was silent "So are you gonna talk or what?" I took a deep breath "Ok so you know how we seen Bruno today" He rolled his eyes "What about him now y/n?" "Well I seen him tonight-" he cut me off by standing up and shouting "What the fuck you mean you seen him tonight?! I thought you went to the fucking bar y/n how the fuck you see him?!" I could tell he was so mad "Jacob please calm down" His face was getting red "Calm down?! Calm down?! You want me to calm down after you tell me you just went and saw a nigga that I told you to stay away from!" "You know what fine forget about it!" I got up and started walking to the stairs "Whatchu mean forget about it you wanted to talk about it so talk!" It was literally a yelling battle we were yelling and each other while walking "You trynna tell me you had sex with him!?" "That's all you think I do! You're the only person I have sex with Jacob!" "Whatever Bruh so y'all fucked tonight or no?!" Why is he saying this? "And you wonder why I said you were acting like a hoe." He said that and I just stayed quiet I was at the top of the stairs while he was at the bottom "Y/n I didn't mean that I'm sorry" by the sound of his voice it sounded like he really didn't mean it but I didn't care "...I just wanted to tell you that I gave him another chance.." when I said that his mouth came open and his eyes widened. I just walked in the room and closed the door.

Jacob's POV
What the fuck did she just say??  she can't be serious.... I'm sad and mad at the same time what the fuck made her go back to this nigga. I went to her room and saw she was laying on the bed turned facing the window "Why?" I said lowly she turned to me and her face was covered with tears "I did it for you Jacob.." "what..." I thought to myself "I did it so that I won't be a burden to you" "y/n you're not a burden to me baby" now I really feel bad for everything that I said "You told me that I should find someone and that's why I did" I just sat next to her and held her "I'm sorry if he's what you want then I'm not gonna hold you back ok" "Can you please at least just try to talk to him?" I sighed really not wanting to talk to this turtle neck having ass nigga "Fine but only for you" she sat up "thank you" I kissed her forehead "Whatever...can I sleep with you tonight?" "Ummm sure but only since it'll be your last time" I had a thought but I know she won't agree "Well since it possibly will be my last time can know" "Jacob" "come on just one last time" "Jacob but-" I cut her off by kissing her then I laid her back on the bed not breaking that kiss I was in between her legs then I thought about something so I pulled away "y/n" "yes" "if he hurts you I swear" I sat up "it's fine Jacob" another reason why I stopped what I was doing was cause of what happened the other day and I was scared that it'll happen again "I'm not gonna make you have sex with me ok I just wanted to kiss you again" I lied I wanted to do more then kiss " ok" "But how about that breakfast " she smiled "Really?" "Yes really now let's get some rest" "Ok" I thought about something I really have to apologize to her cause I remember her telling me that her moms boyfriend use to call her a hoe and I didn't want to be compared to him "wait" she looked at me confused "Wait what?" I sat up and she did too I looked her right in her eyes"Y/n I am so sorry for calling you a hoe I didn't mean it I was just mad and it came out I would never call you that you are far from it I really apologize " she looked down then back up "It's ok Jacob I accept your apology" I smiled "Say it" "Ugh whyyy?" I chuckled "So that I know you mean it " Jacob is my papi and always will be my papi" She smiled "There we go" she laid back down "Come on I'm sleepy" After like 3 minutes I fell asleep.

Next morning

Today is the day that me Jacob and Bruno actually sit down and talk. I went and did my hygiene stuff and got dressed I just had on a simple fall dress it was a little short though. I curled my hair I'm not a big fan of earrings but I know Bruno use to like when I wore studs so I put some diamond studs on and I nice necklace. I went back in the room and Jacob was still sleep I know he doesn't want to go but I think it'll be best for him just so that we all can be on better terms. I went to the side of the bed and shook him. "Jacob" didn't budge "Jacob get up" still didn't budge. Alright he knows what's coming next I picked up a pillow and started beating him with it "Wake the fuck up!" He jumped up so fast "y/n what the fuck is wrong with you?!" His eyes were so red it was hilarious I started laughing. "I'm trynna sleep y/n can I please sl-" He opened his eyes and looked at me "Wait wait wait where you think your going?" He said with his head tilted "We have the breakfast you forgot that fast?" He sat down and rubbed his eyes "Do I really have to go?" I took a deep breath I was about to talk but he stopped me "I'm just playing ok chill let me get ready" I let or a sigh in relief.

30 minutes later
He was finally done about damn time. "You ready?" He asked "Duhh " I Said with an attitude "Damn girl you just wanna eat" he knows me so well "Damn right now let's go heffa"

Bruno's POV
I'm nervous as fuck to be honest with y'all. I know you're like why the fuck did she take him back and blah blah this and blah blah that but fuck what y'all saying I know deep down she still loves me and I still love her that's my baby. I just really hope that Jacob doesn't try to fight me cause I'm not trynna get hurt. Hopefully all goes well. After I got ready I went to the restaurant and thought about things to say I been here for about 10 minutes I just ordered some water then I looked up seeing Jacob and y/n come in that's when I started to tense up y/n looked so beautiful. They made their way toward me "Hey Bruno" she smiled. All I could think about was the kiss from last night. "Hey" I said looking at both of them but of course Jacob didn't say anything. She was about to sit next to me but Jacob grabbed her and made her sit next to him ... but anyways the waitress came and we ordered our food and me and y/n was just talking while Jacob just sat there and stared at me then out of nowhere he said "Did y'all fuck last night?" I choked on my water and so did y/n. "What?"He sat his drink down and looked at me "I said did y'all fuck?" "No we just" I looked at y/n and she shook her head no "We just talked" I said he looked at me then her. "I'm going to the bathroom" he said then got up.

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