Chapter 46

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1 month later

Yn's pov

A week ago I performed with Doja cat on stage for one of her concerts and it was one of the best feelings ever. Every since then I've had celebrities commenting on my Instagram and some wanting me for choreography. I had Teayana Tayler dm me herself asking for me to perform with her on her next tour ... fucking TEAYANA TAYLOR.. my life has been amazing.. Larry and I are closer than ever... my babies are saying more words.. Lilo calls me mom now, she says ma belle or ma.. I know I'm not her mom but the fact that she's comfortable enough with me to say it means so much. Laurent and I are doing great with coparenting. Everything is just perfect... Actually me, Larry, Lau and Tina are at my house right now. I have nothing against tina, I am happy in my relationship with Larry.. I'm in love with him. I'm glad laurent found someone that he can love and care for. Larry and lau are outside playing basketball while tina and I are inside with the kids.

Me: So how is the baby?

Tina: She's good...I'm 7 months and 13 days now

Me:Oh wow...time went by so fast


Me: What's wrong?

She looked up at me and had tears in her eyes.

Me: Hey talk to me

I sat next to her and put my arm around her.

Tina: I'm scared

Me: Don't be scared...yes it might hurt...but once you see that beautiful little face you would want to do it all over again.. everything will be fine ok

I hugged her.. I know how she's feeling because I felt the same way..

Larry's pov

I was walking back into the house to get some water when I heard Yn and Tina talking.

Tina:I'm scared..

Yn: Don't be scared...yes it might hurt...but once you see that beautiful little face you would want to do it all over again.. everything will be fine ok

This is another reason why I love Yn...she knows how to put things behind her..she is the most loving, caring person I know. If she can be forgiving and be fine with laurent and Tina being together and having a child then I don't have a reason not to.. I will never accept the way Lau treated her and I can not forgive him for that but I will but fine with the fact that he has moved on and is happy. I walked in the kitchen.

Yn: Hey baby you ok?

Me: Yes I'm great love

I smiled at her then got my water and went back outside with laurent.

Me:Hey Lau

Lau: What's up?

Me:So how about that best man?

He smiled, I smiled back and he hugged me.

3 weeks later

Tina's pov

I really do appreciate Yn.... I know it took time for her to want to be around me and I thank her for being so nice. Lau and I are at yn and Larry's house because she's teaching me alot about preparing for a baby.

Yn: It's really easy once you do it a few times.

I started feeling a weird feeling I put my hand on my stomach.

Me:I think I need to sit down

Yn: What's wrong?

I started feeling wetness down my leg.

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