Chapter 27

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Yn's POV
When I seen him he had a bruise by his lip and a bruise/cut next to his eye. I wanted to feel concerned but so much came to my head. As you know I pray for Laurent cause I care for him but everything I've been through he hasn't been there. He walked over to me and when I actully just stared at him it look like he had been crying.

Lau:...hi Yn..


Laurents POV
The way she looked at me made me want to break down crying I can see she's hurt . I went and sat in the chair next to her.

Larry:Belle I'll be back ok

Yn:What?.. where you going?



She has a bathroom inside her room so he went in there.I felt so bad when I looked at her I can't help but want to cry.

Me:I-I'm sorry

Yn:It's ok don't worry

Me:I see you still have the necklace...

I didn't know what to say.. she glanced at the necklace then started crying.

Me:*grabs her hand*. No no baby don't cry.

Yn:Why don't you love me?

When she said that my heart dropped. Why would she say that?

Me:Belle I do love you don't say that

She looked at me and let go of my hand.

Yn:You don't.... Laurent I've been through so much and out of everybody I thought that you would be the one to stay by my side.

She's right she has been through a lot and I haven't even been here with her.

Yn:See you can't say anything cause you know it's true.. it's sad and hurts cause you don't trust or believe me you barely care about me.. they tell you I'm pregnant but you don't believe..Laurent I had your child in my stomach and because of you, mainly, I had a miscarriage. Because I always stressed myself about whether you were ok or if you were coming back and if you loved me. I prayed for you the other day when really I should've been praying for myself to get better. I've been in the hospital so much and I'm tired of it every time i come they tell me bad news....... I have cancer and it's horrible I had chemo this morning and I hated it cause I had no one to talk to... you wanna know what's been on my mind 24/ and I continuously hurt myself thinking about you. When I found out that I was pregnant and had cancer I immediately called you but you never answered. So again... answer my question. Why don't you love me?

By now she wasn't crying as much as she was when she first started talking. Everything she said made me think. I love Yn with all my heart.. I'm so dumb for having her go through this all alone.

Me:Baby.... I'm so sorry and I regret leaving you alone... but I do love you I just never felt this way about someone. Every girl that says that they love me, something always happens i never meant for any of this to happen the way it did I was just being an asshole. Can you please forgive me? I would do literally anything... belle.. seeing you like this hurts my heart and...I noticed that it got worse when I made you and Larry leave and I do apologize for that but I can make it better come back and everything will work out I promise.

Yn:..... I can't come back

Me:Why? You have to

Yn:do you not know how much Jacob hates you?

I forgot about Jacob....fuck.

Me:I can try to work things out with him

Yn:He holds grudges so you can't

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