Chapter 6

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I couldn't believe what I'm seeing I didn't know what to say "Jacob what the fuck" it's like they redid my studio it was beautiful we got out the car and started walking inside "This is another reason why I didn't want you to come back here so soon" he turned me around to face him "Jake i-i don't know what to say" he put his finger on my lips "You don't have to say anything Bonita" He wiped my tears away with his thumbs and kissed me "Thank you" "No need" He walked over to the stereo and played one of my favorite songs it was New Edition Can You Stand The Rain I couldn't help but smile "Now let's dance" he started to sing along with the song. "On a perfect day I know that I can count on you..." He continued singing and I just took my head off his shoulder and forced my lips onto his making him stop singing. "Thank you for everything Jacob" I said while we were still rocking side to side. "Anything for you my love" we got done dancing and we left this has been the best day when we got home we did our showering and all that then went to sleep.

Jacob's POV
I woke up seeing a beautiful sight. Y/N was sleeping peacefully I decided to wake her up with kisses. I went from her forehead to her temple then her cheek her chin her nose then her lips. I felt her smile through the kiss. "Good morning Bonita " she stretched "Good morning papi" I smiled "You know I love you right" I said while grabbing her cheek "Of course" I kissed her and our lips moved in sync it was like we knew exactly when the other was gonna move. I licked her bottom lip asking for entrance and she accepted. Our tongues moving together just made me horny as fuck.. I rubbed her thigh and pulled her closer to me..our make out session was getting heated so I got on top of her and started grinding she let out a little moan through the kiss. I moved down to her neck then when back up to her face "J-Jacob move" I was confused as to why she would say that I just thought she was playing "You know you like it Bonita" "I don't now move" What the fuck she playing with me now. I grabbed her legs roughly and wrapped them around me she looked horrified and she was sweating "Jacob please move" "Why Bonita?" I said while kissing her neck "M-Move " she look like she was hyperventilating "Jacob I said move" she pushed me off of her and ran to the bathroom I tried to run after her but she slammed the door and locked it. Right now I was confused as fuck, I sat there for a minute thinking. Did I do something wrong? Then I heard a faint cry so I went to the door. "Baby what's wrong?" She didn't answer me "Open the door" still no answer "Come on Bonita you know you can talk to me"

While me and Jacob was making out and he was on top of me I started having flashbacks of when Tyler raped me and I was scared. I know Jacob wouldn't do anything to hurt me but I was still scared I was getting extremely hot and I felt sweat and I could barely breathe I felt like I was about to pass out. When I got in the bathroom I locked the door cause I didn't want him to come in I was embarrassed. He wouldn't stop talking to me through the door..he was so caring I hate to ignore him but I still can barely breathe. Somehow he got his way in and he seen me breathing really hard and walking back and fourth I started to get really light headed "Baby come on you have to sit down" next thing I know I fell to the ground and blacked out.

Jacob's POV
I grabbed something small and that had a point and I unlocked the door. I seen her and she was sweating and breathing really fast almost like she couldn't catch her breath I walked over to her and pulled her by her waist "Baby come on you have to sit down" As soon as I said that I turn around to grab a rag and she fell I hurried to pick her up "y/n?" Since we were on the floor I took the rag and put some cold water on it from the tub then put it on her head "Fuck  come on Bonita" What I was doing obviously wasn't working so I picked her up and got my keys and took her to the emergency room the same doctor that help her last time was here today and he made sure we had help. After about 30 minutes he came back out to get me "Are you ok?" "Yes sir I just really wanna know what's wrong with her" I was too concerned to worry about if I'm ok which I am "Well son it looks like she had a panic attack " I jerked my head back "what do you mean" "It seems like she got overwhelmed with whatever she was doing. What was she doing if you don't mind me asking?" I was kind of embarrassed to say so I put my head down "Oh I get it.. I know this is a personal question but were you on top of her?" "Yes sir but we didn't do anything yet we were just making out" "But you were about to do something?" I put my head back down "Yes sir" then I put my head back up " But how could that cause her to have a panic attack "You know most of the time when women gets raped and then they try to have sex they can't cause all they can think about is what happened to them and in y/n's case that's  what was going through her head and that's what cause her to have the panic attack" I wasn't even thinking what is wrong with me "Don't beat yourself up about it cause it's not your fault" "well can I go see her?" "Sure" He led me to the room and I don't know why but I was nervous I sat down by her side and she smiled at me i grabbed her hand "I'm sorry" " It's not your fault" "But I should've stopped when you told me too" "It's ok you didn't know" I put my head down and thought for a minute "Maybe we shouldn't do this" "Do what?" I looked her in her eyes "This what we're doing now" "Which is" she said while sitting up "Being this close to each other" She tilted her head "oh god" I thought "Jacob what are you talking about you're my best friend why wouldn't you want to be close to me? Do you have another best friend?..." she continued talking but I stopped her "Y/n listen to me maybe we should try to find people like you a boyfriend and me a new girlfriend..I don't want to hurt you." "Jacob I-I can't you know how I feel about that" I squeezed her hand "Look at me y/n just because one person hurt you doesn't mean that everyone else will" "I don't know"

I don't understand why he's doing this he knows that he is the only guy that I trust. He's taking this out on himself not knowing how it will affect me.. Jacob has been the only guy in my life other then when we were 17 I dated this one guy named Bruno and he broke my heart in pieces.

"Jake I'm going to Bruno's house cause he hasn't answered any of my texts or calls I'm just gonna go check on him" "Ok do you need me to come with you?" Jacob was always protective over me "You can but just stay in the car" he smiled "Ok". About 15 minutes later we arrived to bruno's house. I knocked on the door but no one answered i twisted the knob and it was already unlocked so I just walked in I went to go to the kitchen to sit my stuff down "Br-gco " As soon as I turned the light on I choked on my words...he had some girl sitting on the counter top with nothing but underwear and a robe on and they were having a full blown make out session. It felt like I couldn't breath anymore.He turned and looked at me and his eyes was full of regret. "Baby" I ran out the house and he ran after me "Y/N!" I just kept going til I got outside "Y/n please just listen to me" I turned around with tears running down my face "Fuck you! How could you do this to me?! All I ever did was love you and you do this!" I heard the car door slam and seen an angry Jacob coming towards us "What the fuck did you do?!" "It's none of your fucking business!" Jacob started walking towards him with his fist balled up but I stopped him "Jacob please take me home" "No baby just please let me explain" I didn't answer I just walked to the car.

End of flashback

"Y/n he's not coming back ok. You don't have to worry about him I just want you to be happy ok." I sighed "Fine Jacob I'll try but only for you." "Thank you Bonita" "Now can I go?" "I'll see" eventually they let her go and we went back home.

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