Chapter 15

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Jacobs POV
Last night I picked y/n up and she was acting kind of weird like she came straight in the house and went to sleep...I'm going to try to talk to her today.

Me: Hey y/n what happened last night?

Y/n: What you mean Jake?

Me: You know what I mean why have you been acting weird

Y/n: I'm not Jacob uhm I'm going to just catch an Uber to the studio

She got up and started walking but I grabbed her arm and pulled her around then I seen her face she had a scratch under her eye and it was a light purple. I didn't see this last night cause it was dark and we went straight to sleep when we got home.

Me: Y/n what the fuck!?

Y/n: Jacob let me go

Me: No the fuck happened to your face!?

Y/n: It's none of your business

I was really getting pissed now. I grabbed her shoulders and made her look at me.

Me: Did he do this? ..Huh?!

Y/n: Maybe he did maybe he didn't

Me: Now you want to be dumb!!

Y/n: What your going to hit me too?

Why would she say that? I just let her go and she walked out the door.

Y/n's POV

I don't understand he wants me to not come to him crying and complaining but then he tries to force me to tell him what happened to me. The whole ride I just thought about everything when I got to the studio I just played the first song that popped into my head which was Pretty Hurts by Beyoncé. As I danced I thought about Bruno how he claimed he loved me how he made me feel everything.

??? POV

I went to the restroom and when I came out I heard music I went to were it was coming from and looked through the glass. There was this beautiful girl dancing she was a little darker then me and she had curly burgundy hair. As she was dancing I felt her pain I know it's hard to explain but I did. I looked at the door and it said "Y/N Studio" that's a beautiful y/n. She was moving so peacefully and smoothly I wanted to get a closer seat but I seen a guy walk in he must be her boyfriend or something the way he was looking at her. I don't think she heard him walk in cause she didn't stop or anything but once the song got to it's high point she started breaking down and it's like he knew that she was about to because he ran over to her and she just fell out in his lap and continued to cry. I hope she's ok I was about to go check and see but someone called my name.

Y/n's POV
I couldn't help but break down then I felt Jacob's arms wrap around me.

Jacob's POV

I know what y/n is capable of and I couldn't just let her leave when I know there's something wrong. When I got to the studio I seen her dancing and I saw her start crying so I knew what was coming next I went and held her.

Y/n: He hurt me Jacob he lied to me

Me: sh sh it's going to be ok

She just continued to cry I hate seeing her like this she holds everything in then when she breaks down it's horrible. I'm the only person she has cried in front of except for when she seen Bruno but she was in the making of a break down then so that's the only reason why. Y/n is my bestfriend I can't let her get hurt so if I see him again it won't be pretty I put that on myself.

Me: Come on lets go home

I took her home and she went to sleep I wanted to keep her comfortable so I just decided to go to sleep with her.

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