Chapter 31

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Yn's POV

It's 10:00 a.m and I hear the shower running and I didn't see Laurent in bed so I figured he was in there. I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. The way the bathroom is set up is my dream bathroom.

 The way the bathroom is set up is my dream bathroom

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So I just went in and started brushing my teeth. Once I was finishing up I seen him grab his towel. I bent down to rinse my mouth out and I felt him behind me. When I say him I mean "Him"... I slowly came up and saw his hands come around me and he placed them on the counter.



He then put his hands on top of mine.

Laurent:I remember the first time I kissed you... it felt like I was in heaven. Our first make out session I wanted to just devour you the way our lips moved together. There was not one time that we didn't kiss and you didn't wake me up.

He pushed "Him" against me and I felt it all.. but I can't do this so I quickly turned around and he had me... like I couldn't move I looked up in his eyes and basically choked on whatever I was about to say. He smirked which made me get goosebumps.

Laurent:Look at that beautiful face

He closed his eyes and bit his lip.

Laurent:Everytime I look into your eyes I fall in Love all over again.

I completely froze. He picked me up and sat me on the counter then pulled me closer. He put his hand on my chin and gave me a peck on the lips.

Laurent:You felt that didn't you..That spark I feel it everytime we kiss

He kissed me again and this time it wasn't a peck. I put my hands on the back of his head and he put his hand on my lower back. We were so close like you know how you pull a chip out of the bag but it's another one attached to it that's how we were. I got so into the kiss that I moaned as soon as that happened I pulled away and he smiled.

Me:I-I need to ummm charge my phone

He laughed then rubbed my thighs.

Laurent:You'll bring me my clothes back


Laurents POV

That's the closest i have been to belle in so long. I just couldn't help myself anymore. I smiled because of the fact that she knew that she couldn't help but moan. I just wanted to tease her a little bit not too much though. She came back in with my clothes and I just laughed.

Yn:What's funny?

I sucked my teeth.


Yn:Umm well I'm going to go get dressed

Me: Have fun

I have something to tell Yn but I don't know how she will take it... It's not bad but it's not great.i just don't know when to tell her....

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