Chapter 18

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Next day

Yn's POV

I'm tired but I️ have class today and Laurent said he wanted to take me plus Jacob has something to do before his class start so why not. Laurent should be here in like 10 minutes so I'm just going to finish freshening up. I️ told him the door was unlocked so when he gets here he can just come in cause I️ know I️ won't be done. As I'm finishing my make up Jacob comes in and he looked like he was about to say something but he looked at me and his smile went away. I️ know why but I️ don't care.

Jacob: come on dude

Me: Jacob I️ honestly don't care what you have to say

Jacob: Yn...(he took a deep breath while running his hand down his face) this ain't gonna work

Me: What are you talking about?

Jacob: Take it off

Me: No

Jacob:What happened to the old Yn huh?

Me:You mean the Yn that didn't wear make up so she wasn't pretty

Jacob: Bonita you are pretty you're more then pretty

Me: Jacob leave me alone

He walked over to me and grabbed my make up kit.

Me: What the fuck are you doing?!

I️ tried grabbing him but he kept walking downstairs

Jacob: You need to stop you're making yourself look crazy one minute you're natural then the next minute you're a fucking clown!

Me: Jacob give me my shit!

Jacob:Get it out your ass

He turned around and started back walking

Me:bruh I'm not in the playing mood

Jacob: who said I️ was playing with you

Me: Jacob come on! Laurent would be here any minute!

Jacob: So you want to look like a clown in front of a guy that you're trying to impress?! Smart Yn real smart

Me: Fuck you! You're just like everybody else you want me to embarrass myself did you not see how I️ look without makeup?! Huh?!

Jacob: Fuck me huh? You are not seeing what this is doing to you, you've been acting like a bitch toward me for no reason when I'm the only thing you've got! And you know that! I️ do as much as I️ can for you this is the least you could do for me!

He threw all my makeup on the ground

Me: What is wrong with you?! Are you mad at the simple fact that you can't have me anymore?

Jacob: Me want you that's the last thing on my mind if I️ wanted you I️ could've been had you.

Laurents POV
I️ pulled up to Yn and Jacobs house I️ came a little early cause I️ didn't know if Yn ate or not and I️ wanted to go grab something. When I️ got there I️ heard yelling then it got quite I️ walked in but they didn't hear or see me it was stuff all over the floor.

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