Chapter 9

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Jacob's POV
I know I shouldn't have asked that but I just wanted to see if they would tell me the truth or not. Maybe I should just give him a chance I mean if y/n found a way to I guess I should. I walked back out and sat down as soon as I sat down they stopped talking. "You don't have to stop continue" I can tell that they both were nervous talking to each other around me. I guess I'll say something. "Can I talk to you for a second outside" I said looking at Bruno. "Umm yeah I guess" both me and him got up and I just told y/n to order whatever she wants. Me and Bruno walked outside and he looked nervous and scared for who knows what "Loosen up bro" I pushed his shoulder. I haven't called him bro in a long time. "Look I know I've been hard on you it's just you know how I feel about that girl I can't see her hurt anymore everytime I look at her there's something that reminds me of everything she has went through." "I know and I am truly sorry I swear I never meant to hurt her I loved ... I love her I just want to have another chance to show her" half of me believes him while the other half is totally against him but I'm going to give him this one chance and that's it, if he fucks up then that's his ass. "Imma give you this one chance " Wait it sound like I'm giving him a chance with me but hell you date my best friend you date me. A big smile went across his face "Thank you bro I won't hurt her" "Yeah whatever lets go back in I'm hungry.

Bruno's POV
I'm so happy that both of them are giving me another chance I just want to prove to her that I'm the one. When we sat down I couldn't do nothing but smile at her and she looked so confused it was adorable. "Go ahead and sit next to him" Jacob said once again she looked confused "Go" she got up and sat next to me and I immediately grabbed her hand. "Imma give you two a try but just know if it ends bad..." he paused and looked at me "Just know" and he started getting up "Have her back by 10" I looked at her and she mouthed the words "thank you" to him and after that he just left. We looked at each other and smiled right now it was 11a.m so I have a long time until I have to take her back. "So after we eat what do you wanna do?" She asked "Make love to you" I said lowly "Huh?" "Oh uh nothing I was just talking to myself." I just stared at her and admired her beauty I really don't know why I did what I did back then. "Why you staring?" She smiled. "You're just so beautiful " she started blushing "Thanks". After about an hour we had finished eating and talking now I don't know what to do " wanna go to my house and watch movies?" She hesitated to answer. "Yeah..sure"

45 Minutes later

We were sitting on the couch watching The Ring I remember she loves scary movies while I'm over her shaking in my draws. "You straight homie" I laughed at her. "Yeah babe" I seen her stop what she was doing and just start staring maybe I'm moving to fast "I'm sorry" she looked at me and grabbed my hand "No it's ok" the she leaned over and layed her head on my shoulder it felt like old times. I took a deep breath "You ok?" "Yeah just thinking" "About what brun?" Ugh I use to love when she called me that it just brought back so many memories. I sat her head up, held on to her hand and stared her in those big beautiful brown eyes. "Y/n I love you" she looked like she was about to cry like her eyes was getting glossy but she still didn't say anything.

Y/n's POV
"Y/n I love you " when he said those words I was froze. I know he said them before but this time he said it so meaningful and I felt it. "Y/n" I couldn't help but look in his eyes they were so beautiful "Bruno I-I-gco" he cut me off before I can even finish. He got closer to me and kissed me. "You don't have to speak" I didn't know what to do I wanted to say something but I didn't know what exactly to say. We started kissing and it was getting hot he started moving toward like pushing me back but softly. His lips were like clouds they made me feel some type of way. It was getting really hot like I felt like I was about to sweat. He started unbuttoning his shirt, by now my legs were around his waist and he was holding on them tightly. I was breathing really hard and I could barely catch my breath so I started getting scared and I felt it coming by it I meant a panic attack. I grabbed his arm to try and push him off but he was too strong I broke the kiss "Bruno get off please" He looked at me strangely "Why?Baby I'm not gonna hurt you" He then moved down and started kissing my neck like now I couldn't breathe and I felt tears come down my face I just let them fall I was crying. The only reason I was crying was cause I know he didn't want to hurt me but I can't help but think of Tyler hurting me. I started to panic the more I thought "Bruno please please move" I said while crying harder. He looked at me with worry all in his eyes "What's wrong ? Did I do something?" He hugged me "I'm sorry" I just cried harder "sh sh I'm right here I'm sorry" I feel so bad I just got up and went to the bathroom and heard him following me "Y/n what's wrong?... please just talk to me"

Jacob's POV
I was just laying on the bed scrolling through instagram being nosey but I felt weird like you know that connection you have with your bestfriend and you can feel when something is wrong with them. That's how I'm feeling so I just got up out my shoes on and got in the car. I started heading to Bruno's house yes I know where the hell this nigga live cause I'm not about to let her go no where and I don't know where she at. Plain and simple i don't give a fuck what y'all niggas think cause that's my best friend. But anyways after about 10 minutes I arrived at his house and knocked on the door. When he came his shirt was all unbuttoned and shit in my head I'm like what the fuck but I ain't say nothing. I heard a little faint cry and pushed him out the way and seen it was coming from the bathroom I knocked on the door "y/n" the crying stopped and the door opened and her eyes were puffy and red, and she had tears all over her face while it looked like she was out of breath or trying the keep her breath at a steady pace. I grabbed her and hugged her tightly "What's wrong?" She didn't say anything just kept crying. I looked at Bruno and he looked worried but I didn't care "What the fuck did you do?" He didn't answer I looked at y/n face and she started looking pale "oh shit" I picked her up and went and laid her on the couch "What? What's going on?" "Get some fucking water and a cold rag" I moved her hair out her face "It's going to be ok I promise" she was still breathing a little hard "Look at me breath in and out slowly" she did as I told her and I held her hand. Bruno came back with a wet towel and the water I stood up "Lay it on her head" He did as said and I had her drink some water and lay back down. "I'll be right back ok" she nodded. I know what happened and I know that he was confused as fuck "Come here" He followed me to the kitchen "Did I do something wrong?" I took a deep breath "Did you try to have sex with her?" He looked shocked "I-I mean w-we was just making out I mean it got a little heated" "You were on top of her right?" "Y-yeah" Did she try to push you off?" He turned his head and looked at her "Yeah" "Ok listen to me and listen to me carefully" he nodded his head "First of all you shouldn't be trying to fuck her anyways, second of all she was having a mild panic attack which means if I didn't come and we didn't calm her down it would've been worse" "A panic attack?.. but I told her I wasn't gonna hurt her" I looked over there in the living room and saw that she was sleep. He was gonna find out sooner or later so why not just tell him now. "Well here it is I guess... you remember Tyler?" He looked confused "yeah what about him?" "He raped her" he stood up "What?!" "Shh bro" "My bad but what?" "He raped her nigga damn what don't you get... I'm sorry it just makes me mad too talking about it. But everytime someone is on top of her she starts to panic" he still looked shocked "How you know this?" "The doctor told me" "Damn" "Yeah I know but just don't move so fast give her time" "Ok Bruh I'm sorry" I actually kind of like this Bruno better then the other one. "It seems like she's sleeping peacefully imma let her spend the night here but if I find out you tried something I will fuck you up."

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