Chapter 7

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A week later

Jacob's POV
I was sitting in the living room just thinking it was about 8 p.m maybe me and y/n should go to the club. "Y/N!!!" I screamed "What?!" She's annoyed cause I got her the wrong juice but that was 30 minutes ago "Come here!!" "What the fuck you want Jacob?!" She asked slowly coming down the stairs. "Come closer" she groaned "what bitch?" I grabbed my chest and pretended to be hurt even though she calls me a bitch all the time " I was thinking we should go to the club" she jerked her head back "Migga the fuck" she calls me that a lot too, migga is just Mexican nigga put together. "Come on please you just might find you a Abuelo" We both laughed "Stop playing" "But foreal I wanna go let's get drunk and get laid" she looked at me with her eyebrow raised "Papi se ha vuelto loco" (Papi has gone crazy) I laughed "Loco por ti mi belleza" (Crazy for you my beauty) she blushed. I taught her Spanish when we were younger and she caught on quick too. "So is that a yes?" "Whatever" I smiled and picked her up. "Usa algo sexy" (wear something sexy). We went upstairs took a shower then got our stuff on after 30 minutes we were ready well I was.. i was already down stairs by the door "Y/n what's taking so long?!" "I'm coming I'm coming!!" Another five minutes went by and she was finally coming downstairs "About time" I said playfully annoyed "At least I came" We got in the car and I sped off "Jacob slow the fuck down" she hates when I drive fast "But bonita" "but Bonita my ass slow the fuck down or I well break your balls" "ok ok ok" In less then 5 minutes we were there it was so many people here half of them was already drunk enough and y/n just started dancing and I felt like having a drink " I'm going to go get something to drink ok" "ok"

While Jacob decided to go get something to drink I decided to find somewhere to sit. As I was walking I heard someone call my name but it didn't sound like Jacob so I just kept walking then I was pulled into this dark hallway "y/n" I turned around to see Bruno I didn't know what to say when I saw his face I was hurt I was mad everything "Get the fuck away from me" "y/n please you can't still be mad at me we was young that was years ago " I wanted to kill him "I can't still be mad at you.. Bruno you tore me to pieces and because of you I haven't been in a relationship since then cause I'm scared of getting hurt and you didn't care." I said not noticing I had tears coming down my face until he wiped them away "Don't touch me" I pushed his hand then he ran his hand through his hair which he had cut it actually looked really nice on him. Y/n what are you thinking right now. "Just give me 5 minutes please" I let out a deep breath and he was silent "Go ahead what you just standing there for five minutes gon be up soon" "Ok look two days before what happened I got a call and it was from my ex's dad I answered and he said that if I didn't get back with her then he would hurt someone I loved and I couldn't let that happen to you I never wanted to hurt you-"but you did"" I cut him off "And I'm sorry for that I didn't mean for it to go down like that but you have to forgive me it was in the past" I put my head down "I don't know" he took my chin and kissed my lips "I know you missed that" I didn't say anything but more tears came down "Please y/n please don't cry I never stopped loving you just give me another chance...the night that you left me I cried that whole week I hated myself for what I did to you" I still didn't say anything but he kissed me again and I couldn't help but let my guard down I'm not gonna lie I do miss him but I can't just go right back to him he'd have to show me that he's really sorry I pulled away and he grabbed my hands "Do you forgive me?" Before I could say anything I heard a familiar voice "Hell naww she don't forgive yo Oompa Loompa looking ass" "Jacob"

Jacob's POV
After I had something to drink and no it wasn't alcohol just some soda I decided not to drink because I had to drive. I went looking for y/n but couldn't find her I went down every hall way she must've got lost then I heard someone talking "Do you forgive me?" I turned the corner and saw Bruno I instantly felt my blood boil "Hell naw she don't forgive yo Oompa Loomp looking ass" she looked at me "Jacob" "Jacob nothing let's go y/n" she started walking but then I seen this nigga grab her hand "Let go of her before I fuck you up" he came closer to me "Do it" he really temping me " No please Jacob we was just talking" I got so pissed when she said that "What the fuck you mean y'all was just talking this nigga don't even need to be in your presence "You're right but Jacob I was just trynna apologize to her" "Apologize for what not giving a fuck about her and cheating on her she didn't deserve that... you didn't deserve her so leave her alone" I started getting hot I wanted to rock this nigga shit. Y/n felt it "Jacob calm down" "Look I told her I'm sorry for that I'm sorry for everything I put her about this we go to breakfast I'll pay" I laughed "So you think just cause you rich-gco" "Sure how about that" I snapped my head at her "Y/n what the fuck" she sighed "it'll be fine" I didn't say anything else they exchanged numbers and we left. I got in the car and still didn't say anything to her "So you're just not gonna talk to me" I turned the radio on trynna ignore her she turned it off and I turned it back on "Leave my fucking radio alone" "Jacob talk to me" "y/n how could you?" "How could i what?" "I don't wanna go to breakfast with that nigga" "Then don't I'll go by myself" "Why so that you can go back to his house and y'all can fuck that's all you wanna do is fuck him" I said as we pulled in to the driveway I didn't know what I was saying words was just running out my mouth I was just mad she jumped out the car and slammed the door and ran into the house I ran after her. She went upstairs and slammed the door the locked it "Y/n baby open the door" no response "I'm sorry I didn't mean it" She opened the door and she was crying "Yes you did you meant every word you said! Now I know how you truly feel about me!" "No no no y/n I didn't mean it I promise I was upset" I tried getting closer to her but she bagged away "So you was upset and took it out on me!" She stopped talking "so I'm really a hoe huh?" What? "No baby stop I didn't mean it like that-" I got cut off my her slamming the door in my face "Well I guess you can sleep in the guess room you probably don't want to be in bed with a hoe" I took a deep breath this wasn't gonna end. Why would I say something like that.

Jacob really hurt my feelings when he said that.Like I never thought he would ever say something like that. I decided to just find a way to get it off my head so I'm gonna go to my old place I haven't been there and a long time cause of all that stuff that happened. I got the stuff that I needed and started heading for the door "Where you going" shit I was hoping he was sleep or something . "Out" I said coldly "No you're not" "Jacob leave me alone ok" I said getting frustrated "Leave you alone alright don't call me if something happens" everytime we get mad at each other he gets in his fucking feelings and starts being a dick "Yeah sure whatever" I walked out the door and got in the car I was just driving listening to music not paying attention to how fast I was going until I got there. I got out the car and went to the room "Look at sexy haven't seen you in a long time" I turned around to see one of my friends "Girl just so much been going on" "So much that you couldn't even come get a couple of dollas" "Yes gurl but I sure do miss you" Yes you're thinking right I'm a stripper Jacob doesn't know and he's not gonna find out I only strip because it makes me feel like I'm worth something it makes me feel wanted. Well it was my time to go on stage I just let everything that was on my shoulders off I didn't want to think about anything once I started dancing I didn't have a care in the world. I was doing my usual tricks on the pole and I even gave someone a lap dance it felt good to be back on the stage. I made a lot of money I mean I wasn't really there for the money but I'll take it...once I got back dressed I was heading out of the room then I seen Bruno walking towards me "Y/n what the hell was that?" I got nervous cause he never knew that I stripped I been a stripper since I was 16 but never told anyone. "Why are you here?" He came closer to me "Don't why are you here me y/n you can't be doing that you can't be showing your body off and having sex with random people" He really pissed me off when he said that "What the fuck you mean having sex with random people?! I don't have sex Bruno all I do is get up there cause it makes me feel good about myself it makes me happy!...more happy then you ever did." He looked at me with sorrow. "I'm sorry for saying that but look you are way too beautiful to be up there doing hoe tactics and having people file you as a hoe." "They don't they know that I don't have sex I just dance" He grabbed my hands "I just don't want to see you up there" "Why were you even here tonight?" He looked away "My boys wanted me to get out the house but it's not about me ok" He put his hand right above my butt and pulled me closer. "Once again I know you miss me so can you please just give me another chance?" I hesitated to speak "I-I" before I could finish my sentence he connected his lips to mine it felt so good I kissed back but I wasn't thinking. He picked me up and my legs were wrapped around his waist our tongues fighting each other my hands in his hair and his hand going up my shirt. But I couldn't I can't do this it's wrong I pulled away breathing heavily with our foreheads touching "Put me down" I said lowly "Did I do something?" "No but this is wrong just put me down so we can talk about it." He put me down and I just automatically started crying "No no y/n I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to go that far" he sat next to me and grabbed my hands "It's not that Bruno" "Then what is it?" I didn't want to tell him the truth but I had to at some point "I just ... I just really love you like I never stopped loving you even when I told you I hated you I didn't mean it I was just hurt.. a-and I wanted you to feel my pain... you hurt me so bad" I started crying more "You hurt me so bad that I did things that I didn't think I would do again Bruno you were the only man other then Jacob that I loved I want you back so much... But I'm not trynna keep getting my heart tore out my fucking chest I been through so much and I just need someone that can tell me they love me everyday Jacob does that but I don't want to keep being a burden on him.... I want him to be happy and with me just always around just isn't gonna happen.." there was so much more I wanted to say but I just kept crying and he pulled me into his chest. "I'm sorry i truly am y/n if you give me a chance I won't fuck it up I promise" I don't know whether to believe him or not maybe I should I mean Jacob did say that I need to find someone... I looked up at him "I'll give you one chance..." He smiled and kissed me "I won't disappoint you." He kissed me again "I love you" I didn't say anything I just smiled "How am I gonna tell Jacob?" I thought to myself "Come on let me walk you to your car"

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