Chapter 2

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Jacob's POV
I wake up to my phone ringing I didn't see y/n in the bed anymore that was weird. But when I looked at my phone it was my girlfriend so of course I answered "Hello" "Hey babe I was just wondering if we could hang out today" I didn't know how to answer that cause I didn't know if y/n wanted to go home or not so I just made up an excuse " Uh well how about I call you back in about an hour or two cause I know some of the boys said that they wanted to hoop today" "Ugh whatever fine" "Jae chill don't start with the attitudes" I said annoyed she always gets an attitude when I say something about hooping " Mhm" "I gotta go" I lied " No you don't you probably just wanna go talk to your hoes!" "Girl chill out bye man" after that I just hung up sometimes she annoys the fuck out of me. As soon as I hung up I walked down stairs and seen y/n sitting on the couch watching some damn scary movie I don't see how she do it she can literally sit in the dark all by herself and watch scary movies.

I seen Jacob walking into the kitchen and start staring at me "What Kidd?" "How the hell you do it?" I started to laugh "Do what hun?" "Watch them damn movies" "They're interesting" I said with a smile " Interesting my ass" he came and sat next to me actually laid next to me and put his head on my lap and I start playing with his big Afro. Then I thought about when he was on the phone. Yeah I heard him I was in the cabinet upstairs getting towels. " You know you can go right and you can just take me home" He looked at me confused "What you mean?" "I heard you on the phone?" He looked shocked " Oh that was just my boys" I laughed a little and he once again looked confused " So you were on the phone with "your boys" telling them that you were going to hoop with your boys?" He looked down and I grabbed his face "I know that it was your girlfriend Jacob you can go ok I'll get my stuff ready" " But you don't have to go I told you this is also your home" I sighed "Jacob you're in a relationship I'm not gonna take any chances ok hun" He took my hand from his face and held onto them "You calling me hun is taking a chance" I looked at him with a what the fuck ever face and he laughed.I love his laugh " Jacob take me home" I smiled " First you have to say something" "What now?" He smirked "sexy ass" I thought "I know I'm sexy" I looked at him. " We're close enough to where I can hear your thoughts" i laughed hard as fuck. "Jacob get the fuck outta here!" We both laughed that's what I love about Jacob he is one of the funniest people I know he always makes me smile no matter what "Ok but it's time for you to say it now" "Say what?" "Jacob is My papi and always will be my papi" I rolled my eyes I remember when we were younger and after we had an argument and we got back on good terms he made me say that " Only because you're so adorable" He blushed. "Jacob is my papi and always will be my papi" He grinned. "Good girl" he said while giving me a kiss. I love his lips Bruh omg...

Jacob's POV
I swear I didn't want to just give her that little kiss I wanted something more but I had to remember I have a girlfriend... fuck. After the kiss I stood up and so did she. She went and got her stuff to get ready to go home I know she really doesn't want to go that's why I keep telling her that my house is also her home.. she still lives with her mom and brother cause she saving up to move like not into an apartment but into a house. Her mom is horrible so is her brother they treat her like shit and it hurts me I hate when she goes over there bro she sleeps on the couch sometimes and she always has to buy them shit it's not fair at all that's why when she's with me I never make her buy anything.. I think I'm going to just have to put matters into my own hands. The whole car ride to her house was silent not a word said. When we pulled up I looked at her and she looked scared she's normally not scared of anything like this is weird "y/n?" She snapped out of whatever she was in and looked at me "yes" "what's wrong?" "N-nothing" she's lying I can tell when her voice gets lighter she's lying she is hiding something from me "Tell me babe what's wrong??" She gave me a fake ass smile " Nothing Jacob I promise" "Fine just call me later ok" I kissed her cheek and she got out. I'm gonna find out what's going on.

I really wish I could've stayed with Jacob but I don't want to separate him from his girlfriend. Once I walked in the house before I could turn around and close the door I felt force to my face and fell to the ground. I looked up and saw Tyler my moms boyfriend. "Where the hell have you been!!" He said while coming closer to me. Yes I was scared of Tyler he always abusing me and my mom doesn't even care none of them do. "I just spent the night at my friends house " I said while still on the floor. "Naw you was out there being a hoe! so since you wanna do that I'll show you how hoes get treated" I was scared as fuck I was literally shaking "No, please I'll stay in the house I'm sorry." He didn't take no for an answer. He picked me up over his shoulder and took me upstairs then threw me on the bed."Please don't do this" I said with tears pouring down my face. I was hoping that he never did this all he ever did was beat me . He forcefully pulled my shorts down and jammed himself in me I couldn't do nothing but scream it hurted so bad he would force his thrust deeper and everytime I screamed he hit me.

Jacob's POV
I got home and seen my girlfriends car in the drive way. Ugh honestly I didn't really feel like being bothered with her I couldn't stop thinking about y/n and what she's hiding from me. I walked into the house and got bombarded with a hug and kisses. "Heyyy baby!" She screamed which made my head hurt cause she was right in my ear. "Hey Jae" I said lowly. "What's wrong sugar plum" I looked at her like she was dumb I hate when she called me that "Don't call me that" "Sorry but I really miss you so can we go out?" Even though I didn't want to I don't have time to hear her whining so I just agreed. The whole rest of the day we went shopping which was kind of boring cause all she did was make me spend my money on her and she whined when I would tell her no to things . Just a big ass baby how did I get with her?

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