Chapter 26

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Yn's POV
I hate being in this place I hate having all these test done on me. I see the doctor, Larry and Lilo standing out my room I wonder what they are talking about. The doctor said something to Larry and he put his head down I hope everything's ok. Larry walked in the door and he had tears on his face. Lilo came and got on the bed with me.

Lilo:Aunt Belle what's cancer?

I looked at her confused and Larry rubbed his hand over his face.

Larry:Lilo Baby come here

She went and she sat in the chair next to him.

Me:Why'd she ask that?




It's like he was choking on his words.

Me:Me what? Say it Larry

Lilo:The doctor said that you have signs of cancer

My eyes widened and I couldn't think I couldn't even speak. He came and held my hand.

Larry:You are also pregnant

Me:What no no no I-i can't be Larry no

Larry:I know belle

This is serious like oh god.... I can't be pregnant I can't have cancer. I just let the tears flow out and he sat on the bed and held me.


That's all I could say nothing but why.

Lilo:It's ok auntie we here with you

She came and got on the bed also and hugged me.

Larry:I'm going to call Jacob and Laurent ok

Me:No no please don't call Laurent

He won't care he cheated on me and put me out of his house why would he care.

Larry:Belle I have to you're pregnant... with his baby

Me:He won't believe it...

Larry:He will

Me:Larry please

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Larry:Well I have to call Jacob you can't stop me from doing that I promised him that if anything happens to you I'll tell him.

Jacobs POV

So I'm just sitting in the hotel watching tv when I get a FaceTime from Larry. When it connected he looked like he had been crying.

Me:Bro what's wrong?


I started panicking a little cause he's crying and he's saying something wrong with her so of course I'm going to panic.

Me:What happened is she ok? Where is she?

Larry:She's pregnant..

Me:What?... what how ? Huh? How far?

Larry: 4 1/2 months

Me:What the fuck? She's not even showing I'm so confused why didn't she tell me? There has to be something else.

He frowned his face up.

Larry:...the doctor she has signs of cancer Bro...

It felt like I stopped breathing.. my chest got this sharp pain. You don't know how that feels your best friend the person you've known all your life could have cancer. I have to get back right now.

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