Chapter 39

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Yn's POV

It has been about a week since what happened. I can say that Jacob, Larry And D have all been there for me. I'm at Jacobs house now Larry wants me to stay with him but I can't be around him everyday cause I'll get to thinking about laurent..

Jacob: Bonita you are back to not eating you need to eat.

Me: Jake I just can't... I can't do anything

Jacob: I understand but we are going to get through this you are going to get through this and I am here every step of the way..

Me: I don't understand man...I tried soo fucking hard hard.. everytime I took him back it's like he just made me look like a fool. It was always this is all I ever wanted... I want my family.. The love of my life...I've been through so much pain and all I wanted was for him to be there for him to love me like he said he did.. I have nonstop heart aches. And I'm trying my best to be strong for my babies but it's hard..I don't want to keep leaning on y'all to take care of them because that's my responsibility..I just wanna be happy again.

I'm real life hurting..

Jacobs POV

My bestfriend deserves the whole world. I hate myself for letting Laurent get to her as much as he did. To see her cry, to see the pain in her eyes... she doesn't deserve this. I want to see her smile again I want to see her be Yn again..

Me: I promise you will be happy again no one will ever hurt you again ever and I put that on myself.

Larry's POV

I haven't talked to Yn in two days... I try calling and texting but no answer.. three days ago I asked her to stay with me because I want to be there for her and help take care of the babies. She answers the phone whenever Lilo calls but as soon as I get to the phone she makes an excuse on why she can't talk.. but I have something to fix that I'm going to Jacobs house.

Me:Lilo come on baby we going to visit aunt Belle

Lilo: yayy! I miss aunt Belle

Me: Me too baby.

We get to Jacob's house in like 15 minutes. I knock and he comes to the door.

Jacob: Wassup Larry I wasn't expecting you guys

Me:I know but we just missed Yn and the babies

Jacob: well come in they're in the living room Yn is upstairs

I walk upstairs and knocked on the door.

Yn: You know you don't have to knock jake

I walked in with Lilo and she had a weird face on.

Lilo:Aunt Belle

Yn:Hey lilo baby where'd you come from?

Lilo:Me and daddy missed you so we come to see you and my little cousins.

Yn:Awww we'll they're down stairs with Jacob in the living room

Lilo:Daddy can we go down there?

Me:Go ahead baby I talk to Yn for a minute then i be down.

She went out the door and down stairs..

Me:....why you ignore me for yn...


Me:If you no want to stay with me I understand you could've just said no.

Yn:it's not that larry..

Me:Then what it is?

Yn: it's just being around you reminds me of laurent

Me:I am no like Mon frère.

Yn:But seeing you just makes me think of him

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