Saturday, February 26th, 2011

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Saturday, February 26th, 2011

4:33 pm

Dear Diary,

Tyler missed an entire week of school. Everyone thinks it’s because he’s sick. I don’t think that’s why. All week I keep thinking, That’s another day that he’s ditching. I know it’s wrong of me to think so low of him, and I’m probably so far from right, but my gut is screaming at me that he isn’t sick. Tyler doesn’t get sick.

Ryan and I get along surprisingly well without Tyler. I never thought that we could. And without Tyler’s constant putting-me-down and phsyical pain, we’re really able to have in-depth conversations. (Ha! Yeah right! We’re usually laughing our butts off about some nonsense.)

I guess you’re curious as to the class in general? Well, we’re all just so much more relaxed without Tyler. I know it’s mean of me to say about him, and that I have no right, but Tyler was an absolute jerk to everyone. And, with our big fight over a week ago, the class had dawned to a false conculsion that I hate him. Oh, am I so happy that he wasn’t there so that I could set them straight! (There I go being mean again.)

Well, I’m probably boring you with my babble. Goodbye!



4:47 pm

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