Saturday, April 2nd, 2011
6:58 pm
Dear Diary,
The KCA’s will be on in only an hour, so I’ve got to make this quick.
You know that there are three sides to every story? There’s the offenders, the victem’s, and an indifferent observer. The only one you can trust is the observer’s. The victem’s was clouded with judgment and hate; the offender’s is full of lies and accustions.
I know that in every fight I’ve gotten, I’ve portrayed myself as the victem; when in fact I have just as much, if not more, blood on my hands. I’ve lied and stolen and manipulated. I’m no better than anyone else.
I always try to do the right thing, I really do. But, sometimes what’s right in my mind isn’t in everyone else’s. And once I’m put to the defense, words just get stuck in my throat. Then, later on in the day/night, I’ll explode in a fit of emotion. It varies from sadness or anger.
I wonder if anyone else ever reflects on their life? If anyone my age wonders about the meaning of regret?
I’ve been going through the days with a kind of numb feeling — nothing really touches my heart. I want to blame Tyler for my problems, I want to blame someone for the faults in my life. But I can’t.
7:14 pm
A Very Personal Entry From My Diary.
Não FicçãoThe truth of teen girls --- emotions, thoughts, and all the shallow drama of it.