Sunday, August 21st, 2011
1:38 pm
Dear Diary,
I have a giant zit. Ugh. It’s huge, and right on my lip. It hurts. Really bad. I got it, like, yesterday.
I hate puberty.
You think that after that one year when I was twelve with really bad skin acne would be enough, right? WRONG!
Gah, I think I can feel it growing …
I hope that it goes away by tomorrow. Either that or I’ll be hiding under my bed so that I can’t go to school.
You wanna know the worst part about this … thing? It. Is. Bright. Red. No joke. It looks like a tomato on my lip!
Grr … if it didn’t hurt so much then I’d pop it. It’s also just so big that I can’t even get a good grip on it. (Alright, I’ll admit, that last sentence was an exaggeration. Sue me. I’m hormonal!)
Ha! I just realized that I’ve spent this entire entry just describing my lip-zit to you. Probably in more detail than you could care for … Ah, well, it’s my diary. Man up.
I’m hungry now. (Ha! Can someone say random?) I wonder if mom got me some more of that freezer-pizza? She went to the grocery this morning. I hope she got me some.
I really need to clean my room so that Jessica can come over.
I should also, probably, bathe today. Ha. Like I have a choice.
I haven’t seen Jessica since her birthday party. It’d be really awesome to see her again.
1:56 pm
A Very Personal Entry From My Diary.
Non-FictionThe truth of teen girls --- emotions, thoughts, and all the shallow drama of it.