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"He's moved here from Doncaster with his mom for work." the teacher explained

"Can I sit?" the boy, Louis, asked half-politely

The class snickered a little and I just diverted my eyes from the prettiest boy I'd ever laid eyes on

"sure, anywhere you like" the teacher nodded

My eyes stayed fixed on the window as the boy's footsteps fill the room... 

and get closer


The chair at the desk next to mine gets pulled out and something hits the ground next to it. 

The boy sat and dropped his bag off his shoulder, down to the tile next to his legs.

"Okay, everyone, let's be nice to Louis here and treat him like we'd treat our friends.. then, hopefully, you all will become friends" the teacher made one last announcement about the human embodiment of beauty next to me before giving out an assignment

We all got a paper with some more complicated equations on it. it wasn't really for a grade, it was to see what we new on that subject.. and, well, I knew the most of it. My sister, Gemma, is really good at Math and she used to tutor me.. then I moved and..

My thoughts are interrupted by a tapping on my arm

I flinch and look over quickly

"Hi. I'm Louis." he smiles

His teeth shine and I suddenly become very aware that I only brushed my teeth for 49 seconds instead of 1 minute this morning.

"Erm-" I hate that I stutter, "hi"

He reached out a hand, wanting to greet.. but I knew my wrist hurt to much for that.

"Uh.. I've.. I've got work.. sorry." my voice was frail, scared, and probably annoying..

"Didn't mean to bother you" he shrugged it off and looked at his own paper

and now I've made him feel like he bothers me.

Damn it, Harry.

I subconsciously let my other hand go down to my wrist, under the table, and my nails started to scratch at the bandage.. Eventually, the teacher looked in my direction since I was staring into space.. I just gave a small nod and looked down at my paper. He let it go. 

That's when I looked down at my hand and realized there was bloon on my nails and blood dripping from beneath my bandage onto my jeans and down my hand.

I stood quickly and forced my bad hand into my pocket before walking to the teachers desk. 

I could feel student's eyes on me.

"Can I- I need to.. I'm gonna be sick" I muttered

"Go, Harry" the teacher nodded and even opened the door for me as I rushed out, towards the bathrooms...

Lost In Your Own Mind ~L.S~Where stories live. Discover now