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It's been three weeks. 

Three weeks of cuddling, hugging, hand holding..

For fucks sake, I need to kiss him at this point

Laying with him, sitting with him, just watching him do simple things.. 

It's killing me how much he means to me yet he isn't mine

But it's only been three weeks. 

After a while of being at my house, we went to his instead. For the last 3-ish hours that's where we hung out. He had ice cream and he wanted to put his favorite pajama pants on so that's why we switched houses.. 

and when his nan came home, I had to leave through the back door since she still thought he was sick. I grabbed his pretty face in my hands before I went and kissed his forehead, nose, then did our cute little nose rub.  He was bubbly and happy and his eyes- his grass green, perfect, swirling eyes were sparkling.

"See you" I whispered

"Soon" he nodded

I got home minutes- just minutes before mum did. I was halfway to my room when I heard her car door shut outside. So I ran fast, tore off close and threw them in a pile by the dresser, and jumped YES JUMPED onto my mattress. I covered up to my chin and faced away from the bedroom door as I caught my breath and tried to look sick

A few minutes pass and there's a light knock at my door.

"Boo bear? You in there, hun?" she asked softly

I shut my eyes and laid still and breathed slowly..

I heard the door creek open..

"Oh" she whispered as she realized I was 'asleep'

A second passes, I hear her picking up my dirty clothes, then she leaves the room. 

I let out a relieved sigh and roll onto my back. I look around my room and spot my old polaroid camera..

Harry and I have got to take a picture with that.

I look over out my window and see a car pulling into the driveway. I frown, confused.. then I see Stan's parents stepping out.. then Stan.

My air caught in my chest and I stared at my old best friend

What was he doing here?!

I sprung up out of my bed, slid sweat pants up my legs, tossed a baggy jersey on, and ran right down to the front door. I almost knocked my mother over in the process of getting to the door.

I swung the door open just as my second family was about to knock

"STAN" I yelled

His parents got out of my way and we jumped into each other's arms

"Tommo!" he laughed out as he patted my back

"What're you doing all the way down here, lad?!" I asked as I pulled away and looked at his face

"Missed you, mate, that's why!"

"S'only been a month" I grinned

"Wanted to see you before I went on the trip to Thai" he shrugged

"So you came all the way to America? Jesus, lad.. thank you for coming! I missed you" I ruffled his hair and we went inside like the adults had already done

Mom was looking at me with a funny look- as if she knew I was fake sick.. which she probably did know. But I was ecstatic about Stan being here so I didn't care.

"How long are you staying?" I asked as he put his coat on the rack

"3 days"


"Language" mom muttered when she passed me

"Sorry" I said back

Stan just grinned at me. I lead him up to my room and he told me about our old 'gang' back in Donny. "And Erric? How's that lad?" I asked

"Working in that shop, down from my place"

"Marty's place?" I asked

"Yeah, that's the one"

He walked around, just looking at my room, then he picked up a sweater and turned to me. It was light pink with darker pink pockets on the front.

It was Harry's

"You've got a girlfriend, then?" he smirked at me

I snatched it and tossed it to my bed. It landed on the pillows.

"Fuck off, lad" I tried to dismiss that subject but he laughed and kept teasing

And after a while, I got pretty sick of it... so I brought up his love life

"And you? You're still with little Patty Stevens?" I asked teasingly

"Shut it-"

"Didn't you two kiss in the sunset and Bart took a picture?" I grinned, knowing i was gettign on his nerves

All the banter stopped when there was a knock downstairs.. then a couple minutes passed and there was a knock on my bedroom door

"Is that your lady friend?" Stan gasped

"Uh.. listen.. I don't have a lady friend, Stan.. I have a best friend. He's.. sensitive. Be nice."

I opened the door and there stood the boy I was slowly falling for

"Hey, Haz" I grinned

He didn't even notice Stan. He just leaned into my chest and I hugged him. I glanced back at my Donny friend and he nodded understandingly

"Haz, my mate from Doncaster is here. Like to meet him?" I asked gently

His eyes opened quickly and he looked at Stan

"I-I'm sorry. I had no clue you were busy. I can go" he stuttered out

"No, no.. We're just sitting around, catching up.. and I'd love for you to meet him"

He nodded then we turned fully to face Stan

"Stan, this is Harry. He's from London, actually. Moved here with his Nan" I explained

"Hi, Lad. Good to see someone is taking care of Louis down here" Stan grinned and held his hand out in a friendly manner

Harry shook it gently

"He takes care of me, really.." Harry smiled back shyly

I wrapped an arm around his waist and he leaned into me comfortably.

"How about we all have a sit down?" Stan offered

I nodded and Harry looked at me and smiled

Lost In Your Own Mind ~L.S~Where stories live. Discover now