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We thanked Aiden and Ash and Louis gave Ash my number so we could stay in contact then we brought Niall inside. His mum was at work so we didn't have to worry about her finding out we went to a club- and that Niall got assaulted. That will be his choice to tell her or not.

"What're you gonna do?" Louis asked me softly

"I'm gonna take him up to his room, get him changed and washed up, then see if he wants to talk or just lay down." I explained

"I'm gonna run to your house and get your clothes, okay?" he asked 

"Yes, thank you.. Will you get a sweater and my PJ pants?"

"Sure thing. I'll probably grab something for me too"

"Okay.. I love you. Be quick"

"I love you too." he pecked my lips then turned to Niall who was just sitting on the little bench in the front room

"Hey, Nialler.. Harry's gonna get you taken care of while I grab us some clothes.. Is it okay if we stay the night?"

He nodded

"Please stay, yeah.. I don't wanna be alone tonight" his voice was hoarse

Louis pressed his to Niall's forehead then hurried out the door

"Niall.. Can we get you changed?" I asked him softly

He nodded and I held my hand out

He got up and took my hand, lacing our fingers, then I lead him up to his room.

Lost In Your Own Mind ~L.S~Where stories live. Discover now