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Liam gently pushed me against the wall and I smiled against his lips

Having a secret like this is fun! We've been going on for about a month. He was suddenly really nice to me and started defending me from bullies at school.. and then we just.. clicked one day. 

Adn since then, he's apologized to LOuis and Harry and we've all made ammends..

They kinda know.. about me and Liam...

but we haven't said it to them yet..

Liam and I fool around and honestly, he's the only person I'm comfortable doing that stuff with after what happened in the club that night..

he treats me well and he even fights for me..

And today, he was supposed to fight this kid, Michael.. I don't know the reason- but I had a bad feeling it had something to do with me..

See, Michael always hated me.. and now Liam and him had some beef but somehow my name got dragged into it..

Zayn told me that Liam was gonna go prove a point to him about something or other, and then Michael would leave our group alone for good..

But the opposite happened..

The fight was supposed to go down in the park just a few blocks from Liam's house..

When we showed up, I had to stay kinda hidden. I had one of Liam's hoodies on and I was stuck behind Zayn and Gigi and Ashton. 

Liam walked out, meeting Michael in the middle of the park. They were just talking at first. It was around 2:30 am..  At 3 is when things got physical..

Michael pushed Liam and Liam swung.. 

After a while, they backed off and were just shouting.. Michael's group was 'subtly' moving closer to us but Zayn noticed and put me and Gigi back in the car. They locked it from the outside and Gigi grabbed my hand.

"It's gonna be fine." she whispered

I swallowed hard and tried to look through the windows, to the middle of the park, but all I could see was more fighting...

bad fighting.

I knew Liam could win- but Michael's a big guy. He could throw some good punches too..

That's when something bad happened..

A gunshot sounded through the air. I heard Zayn screaming Liam's name. Then everything was way too quiet..

Zayn and Ashton weren't fighting Michael's friends anymore.. and I popped the lock on the door and fell out onto the ground before jumping up and running towards the middle of the park..

Zayn was holding Liam, talking to him. 

Ashton was on the phone, telling someone what happened- I assume it was 911.

I dropped to my knees and grabbed Liam's hand. It was covered in blood but I didn't care.

"Baby- I.. Liam... oh god" I was sobbing

It was dark but I could see Zayn's hands over a bloody spot on Liam's stomach

"Niall, I need you to put your hands here" he told me

Liam was just kinda staring at me, and coughing, and trying to speak

I put my shaking hands where Zayn told me to and looked down at Liam's eyes

"Hi, baby"

"I.. I shouldn't have brought you.." he whispered

"No, no, I.. I shouldn't have let you fight.." I cried

"You shouldn't have to see this, Ni"

"It's fine- it's.. you're gonna be okay" I promised him

He grabbed my shirt in his fist and winced at the pain.

We heard sirens getting closer and Ashton was off the phone.. 

Zayn was running towards the street, to wave down the ambulance and probably cops. 

"Liam?" I asked, "he's unconscious" I cried to Ashton

"Liam, babe" I had to keep pressure on the bleeding wound 

There was blood on my hands and shirt. I was terrified..

Suddenly, everything was slowed down and blurry..

Two guys were pushing me away from Liam and putting him on a bed thingy that goes in the ambulance. Ashton was grabbing me under my arms, trying to pull me off the ground. Zayn, in the distance, was talking to a couple police officers.

"Lo-Louis" I whispered

"What?" Ashton asked as he finally got me on my feet

Suddenly, adrenaline was pumping through me

I shoved Ashton away from me and ran. I ran out of the park. The feeling of grass beneath my shoes changed to side walk- then pavement.. the road. I ran down the road. And through an alley. Then up one more road and I was at my friend's house.

I pounded on the door. My adrenaline was flowing away now and I was in tears again. 

I knew Ashton and Zayn would follow me but I didn't care. 

Louis came out and pulled me into his arms. He was talking but I didn't hear. I tried to tell him about Liam- I tried, but I couldn't talk

"Did he do this?!"

I shook my head no

Zayn and Ashton were suddenly behind me. Then Louis was back in the house and I was being carried off the porch.

Lost In Your Own Mind ~L.S~Where stories live. Discover now