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After another hour or so, Louis got up and told me he had to go home. It was right around 5 now and his mum would be serving dinner soon.

I envied him..

His mother made him dinner and worried about when he'd be home..

And she'd probably be worried because he skipped school on his first day. But she'd be happy he was okay.. and if it were my mother, she'd leave me with my dad.. so he could deal with me

"Okay.. Okay, I'm gonna go, Harry.. But.. I wanna walk with you to school in the morning."


"Mr Davis told me you walk. He said he knows your mum- but.. obviously.."

"he means my nan. He knows my nan from Bingo. He just.. he's got sort of a weird memory thing but he takes medicine for it" I explained about Mr Davis and he nodded understandingly

"Well.." he cleared his throat then took a deep breath- as if readying himself for something..

then, he stepped over to the bed I was still sat on...

and he hugged me

It was a little weird- because I was on my knees on the mattress

 and he was stood..

but it worked.

"I've never.. I've never had a friend to hug" I whispered as my arms wrapped cautiously around his shoulders

He sighed into my neck. His breath made me feel.... funny

"You deserve so much, Haz... I'm gonna show you everything you've been deprived of, okay?"

"L-like what?" I asked nervously as he let me go

"Friendship. Movie nighs with ice cream and popcorn. Laughing with a friend until your stomach hurts. We're gonna do everything together, Harry.. I promise"

"That sounds.. amazing" I admitted as he stepped backwards towards the bedroom door

"It will be amazing." he nodded softly before turning and leaving the room

and a few minutes later, I heard the back door shut. 

After Louis left, I just laid on my bed and thought about everything.. Us skipping school, the way he tried to check on me in the bathroom, he practically carried me when I had an asthma attack, he fed me, he gave me water, and cared for me, and he talked to me- and listened to everything I wanted to tell him

I wanted to tell him

I repeat that last thought a couple times

I wanted to tell him. I did. I know that now. I wanted to tell him- and that's why I poured my heart out, cried infront of him, and told him things I'd never spoke of before...

He wanted to listen. 

And I wanted him to know. 

Lost In Your Own Mind ~L.S~Where stories live. Discover now