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When I got back to my house, Stan was getting in his parent's car to leave.. I called his name and he frowned when he seen me.

"We're going back to the hotel" he told me 

"Look.. You're my best mate. You have been since we were little. But you don't know my situation now. You don't know Harry. You don't know this me. I.. I love him. and he could've gotten really hurt when he walked home alone. That would've been on you, Stan"

"I.. I didn't know it was that serious, Louis"

"It is. So.. just.. don't stick your nose in my business, okay? It's personal and.. it can be scary with Haz sometimes but.."

Stan walked over to me and hugged me. I hugged him back and he sighed.

"Sorry, bro. You're right.. I was wrong. I'm sorry"

"It's fine, mate.. Just don't pull that shit again" I patted his back and he pulled away 

"A'right, lad.. I'm getting out of here.. See you again one day, yea?"

I nodded and looked all over his face, just wanting to memorize it again before he left..

"Bye, lad" I nodded 

He nodded too and stepped back to the car, about to climb in the back seat

"Take care of that boy" he told me with a smirk

"Yeah.. yeah, thanks, Stan" I smiled and watched his parents drive him away...

When I got inside, Mum was on the phone so I went up for a shower.. as I undressed, I looked at myself and seen the hickey Harry made on my neck. I placed my fingers over it and smiled as I remembered our night..

Our kiss

Our hands on each other

Oh, fuck, wait...      I just admitted I loved him. 

Well, I didn't say it to him but I.. I told Stan I love Harry.

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