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Louis laid me down on the bed, kissing me softly. I'd giggle between kisses, and he'd smile down at me.

"You're so beautiful" he whispered

I grinned wider, feeling my dimples pop, and he gently poked one. 

"Haz.. You're fucking gorgeous" 

"Thank you" I whispered before leaning up and pushing my lips onto his again

He pushed me back down, still kissing me, and moved his lips a little rougher against mine

I moaned softly into his mouth and he started rubbing his hands up my sides.

"Shirt?" he asked against my lips as his tongue slipped over my bottom lip

"mhm" was my response as I pulled back and we leaned up enough to get my shirt off

He tossed it to the floor then removed his own

He's so muscular.. and I'm kinda toned.. but really, I've got a girly figure.

He loves it though. that's all that matters

"Fuck, look at you" he growled as he kissed down my neck

Yes, growled. It was hot. Like, really freaking hot.

I tipped my head back and tightened my grip on his shoulders when he bit and started to suck on my collarbone

"L-lou" I gasped

"Shh. People are home" he muttered against my skin

"Are we.." I mumbled

He raised up and looked at me

"Are we...?" he repeated, confused

"Can we do... something?" I asked

"Sure.. what do you want me to do?"

"No, I.. I wanna.. do something. T-to you" I admitted

I wasn't nervous- I was just nervous that he'd say no.

"Oh. Okay. I-  ....are you sure? You don't have to, ya know."

"I want to, honestly.."

My cheeks turned red and he smiled a little

"If you're sure" 

"I am" I nodded and spoke with full confidence.

"I wanna give you a blowjob" I told him as we both sat up-right on the bed

"O-okay" he grinned a little 

"Okay. So. Come on" 

I grinned too and grabbed his hand

He stood and I got on my knees in front of him

"Wait, we should lock the door" he stopped me from doing anything

I nodded and he went and clicked the lock quietly on the door.. 

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