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I walked from my house to Harry's at around 6. I figured he'd be fixing dinner with his grandma by then.. but when I got there, it was someone I'd never seen before who answered the door

And I recognized her immediately. Yes, I'd never seen her- but Harry was a spitting image of her.

It was his mum

"Anne" I gasped

"Uh... Do I know you?"

"Is Harry home?" I asked quickly, now getting worried about if he's hurt anymore..

"Uhm, he left with his friend a while ago.. Niall, I think his name was. He's staying the night there"

I nodded then tried to turn and leave- but she called out to me


I turned and stared at her

"I can see that you don't like me.. but.. I'm patching things up with Harry. I made mistakes.. but I'm here now"

"How's he feel about this?" I asked as I turned to face her fully and crossed my arms

"He says he needs time.. but he's working on it" she admitted

I nodded slowly

I tried to walk away again but she said, "Wait!"

"What?" I asked, stopping for the last time

"Who are you??"

"I'm Harry's boyfriend" 

Lost In Your Own Mind ~L.S~Where stories live. Discover now