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Harry's nan was home. Her car was there this time... So we just went in the front door.

She was cooking in the kitchen when we walked in.

"Harry, dear, is that you?" she called

"It's him and me- Louis. I'm his friend" I answered for him 

I'm pretty sure he's asleep now. The crying stopped a minute ago and his breathing slowed.

"I'm making dinner" she said through the house again

I stepped into her view and she became worried

"Is he alright?"

"Sleeping, actually" I whispered

Her features softened and she smiled

"You know where his room is, dear?"

"Yes, ma'am." I smiled and nodded

"Stay for dinner? It'll be ready in an hour" she offered

"I'd love to" 

I took Harry into his room and laid him down. I noticed one of his bandages was coming off so I figured and gently take it off and replace it while he was asleep..

and when I took it off, I felt my heart drop

There were scars. And healing cuts. And blood and.. 

I just hated that he was hurt..

I cleaned them gently then rewrapped his wrist before laying down in his bed with him. He sleepily crawled half on top of me and I giggled. He woke up a little and looked at me

"hi" he mumbled with his face mashed into my shirt

"Hi, love" I grinned

"I didn't mean to fall asleep. I was scared and-" 

I cut him off, "Haz.. you know I don't mind. I carried you up here and your nan is making dinner. We gotta go down in an hour.. She invited me to stay and eat"

he just smiled wider and cuddled more into me

I frowned as my shirt rolled up and made me uncomfy

"Hey, uh, can I take my shirt off? It's rolling up under me" I complained

"Don't care" he shrugged but I could see his cheeks turn pink

He got up off me and I sat up. I pulled the shirt up my back then off my head and removed my arms. I laid back down and patted my chest, inviting him to lay back down. He gladly laid down like he was- but this time, he crawled completely on me. So his legs were on either side of me, his body laid on mine, and his head was on my chest

"Is this okay?" he whispered

"Of course, Haz"

Lost In Your Own Mind ~L.S~Where stories live. Discover now