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We all sat down. Stan was in my desk chair while Harry and I sat on the bed.

We put a movie on my little TV that sat on top of my dresser and I reached under the blanket and took Harry's hand. He didn't sit on me today, he moved over and sat next to me. 

"Stan won't mind, love" I smiled at him and he looked worried

"Stan?" I spoke up

Harry squeezed my hand.

Stan looked up, confused

"You care that Harry sits in me lap?" I asked

"Why would I, lad? It's kinda obvious he wants to" Stan chuckled

Harry grinned and turned a bit red, then he crawled into my lap and relaxed his back into my chest. 

I nodded to Stan and he nodded back then I looked down at Harry and kissed the top of his head.

"See, love? No judgement" I whispered

He grabbed my arms and wrapped them around his middle. I chuckled and held him like he wanted me to.

After a bit, Mom came upstairs and knocked softly before opening the door. 

Harry was asleep. He'd leaned over a little but was still with his back to my chest and my arms were around him. Stan had moved into my bean bag chair and was dosing off but he never really fell asleep.

"hey.- aww" she giggled

My cheeks went pink and I held Harry a little tighter

"Dinner's here. He can eat with us too, we got enough" Mum told me 

"Thanks. I'll just wake him.." I nodded

Stan stood and followed mom out and he made sure to shut my door behind him

"baby" I whispered

I kissed his head gently

"Hazza" I tried again

"Don't wanna leave" he muttered sleepily

"We're gonna go eat, then we'll come right back to bed"

"Promise?" he asked softly

"I promise, baby"

He sat up again and turned so he was facing me and sat on his knees.

"You're comfy"

"You're beautiful"

He giggled and leaned up and pressed his lips to my cheek


It was like the corner of my lips and a bit of my cheek

It was only a second long but it felt like time stopped

"Come on, Lou, I wanna eat fast then get back up here with you" he told me with a small smile

Lost In Your Own Mind ~L.S~Where stories live. Discover now