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I walked into my room and just stared at Louis

"Oh, you aren't mad are you? It- It wasn't my place to tell you, Harry, I'm sorry, I-"

I cut him off by walking over to him. He was sitting on the egde of the bed. I put my legs on either side of him and sat on his lap, facing him. I kissed him softly with smiling lips and he gently kissed me back

"You're okay?" he whispered

I nodded and leaned back so my bum was on his thighs. He had his hands on my back, holding me up better, and I held up my mom's phone.

"I'm gonna call her. I just wanted to say thank you for being here, incase I needed you. You're a huge support and I'm so grateful, baby"

"I love you, Harry" he smiled at me

"I love you too.. Stay in here while I call her, please?" 

"Sure, Hazza.."

We scooted back on the bed and I laid in his lap, with my back to his chest. His hands were settled on my stomach and I laid my head on his shoulder.

I knew he would be able to hear her too, since we were so close, but I didn't mind.

I clicked on her contact and took a deep breath

"You ready for this?" he whispered

I nodded and kissed his cheek before pressing call and putting the phone to my ear

"Hey, Mum" she answered

Her voice was so much like Mum's. Smooth and sweet. Calming.

"It's.. It's Harry, actually" I stuttered a little but fixed it quickly

"H-harry" she gasped

"Hi, Gemma.. Mum just told me about you."

"Oh.. Oh, my god.. Hi. I-.. how are you? I.. I'm so sorry, I'm crying-" she laughed a little and sniffled

I wiped at my teary eyes aswell

"It's okay, so am I.. and.. and yeah, I'm.. I'm good. I've been good. How are you?"

"I'm okay. I've got a job and an apartment. Aunt Trish took good care of me.."

I nodded slowly. 

"Mum told me." she sighed, "about.. everything you had to go through."

"Y-yeah.." I whispered

"I'm so sorry.. If I would've know when I turned 18, You know I would've came and taken you. I- I'm so sorry.."

"It's okay..I'm okay now. I've been living with Grandma Kelly for a few years and.. it's.. it's wonderful down here. Good people."

"Oh, yeah? Have you- Have you got friends? Mum says you have a boyfriend"

"I do. yea.. I've got this boy, Niall, he's my best friend. He's blonde and bubbly and happy all the time. And.. and Louis, my boyfriend.. he's just bloody amazing"

Louis held me a little tighter and I glanced up at him. He had tears in his eyes too.

"I'd.. I'd love to meet them, ya know. And you. You.. I wanna meet you so bad" she was still crying too

"Mum says.. you could.. maybe.. come to America?" I asked hesitantly

"Yes. Yeah, I've got the money and.. I  .... I kind-of was thinking about.. moving there."

"Really?" I gasped

"Yeah. I.. I wanna be with family. Aunt Trish passed a few years back and... I've got no one here. and you are in America, Harry.. that's what matters most. You're there and I wanna be there with you"

Lost In Your Own Mind ~L.S~Where stories live. Discover now