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I got into the bathroom and did two things. I puked... then I cried. 

When I flushed the toilet, I unwrapped my bleeding wrist and pulled down a bunch of toilet paper from the dispenser. I pushed it to my wounds and looked up at the bright light in the bathroom.

I'd really reached rock bottom, now. I was sitting in a crummy bathroom stall, bleeding, crying, and I'd just thrown up stomach acid that made my wind pipe burn as if there was a match inside of it.

"Uh- Harry Styles?" That unforgettable voice asked

I swallowed hard and tried to stay quiet.. but I knew it was pointless...  He could see my legs from under the stall.

"Hey, are you alright? You never came back and the teacher told me this is were you'd be. I've got your pack" he rambled a little

"I'm-" I coughed as my throat burned, "I'm good, yeah"

"Look, mate, I.." he sighed

"Louis, I'm good. Just.. slide my bag under the door, please. Get to class." I ordered him even though I knew I sounded like I was dying

"Fine.. but I know what's going on.. I seen.. and.. I'm here if you want to talk"

Then, my pack was pushed under the stall and it bumped my legs. The bathroom door creaked open and shut a second after. I tossed the blood soaked toilet paper into the bowl and unzipped my bag quickly. I always carried extra bandages and antibacterial spray in a little bottle..

I sprayed the cuts- which stung like a bitch. I started to rewrap my arm- carefully but also having to make it tight. Then I pulled my sleeve down and searched through my bag for the bottle of pain killers..

All while I patched myself up, that boy's words rang through my head

I know what's going on

I seen

I'm here

Are you alright?

I've got your pack

Hi. I'm Louis

I put two pills in my mouth and swallowed hard. I didn't have a water bottle so I forced them down dry. After a second. I wiped my puffy eyes and stood uneasily. I flushed the toilet, making the bloody paper go down with the spiraling water, then I slung my bag over my shoulder and washed my hands before leaving the bathroom.

Lost In Your Own Mind ~L.S~Where stories live. Discover now