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We're standing at the airport. It's me, Nana. mum, Louis, and Niall is here too. Niall and Lou are my support.

I'm holding my boyfriend's hand tight and my other arm is around Niall's back. He's tired because it's only 7:30 in the morning and he's leaning into my side.

Nana is sitting down and Mum is standing by her seat.

"When's the flight land?" I asked 

"In 5 minutes, baby" Louis answered 

And 5 minutes later, an announcement was made that flight AA13 had landed and the passengers were getting off the plane now.

"Oh my god.. oh my god" I repeated under my breath

"Calm down, honey" Niall whispered

"She's gonna love you. And you're gonna love her, babe" Louis said as he kissed my temple

As people started coming down the escalator, I felt my heart race faster.. Then I seen her.

Brown hair, not curled like mine but straight like our mother's. She was thin. Her nose was a lot like mine. She's gorgeous, there's no doubt about that..

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She seen us too. Her eyes trailed from Mum, Nana, Niall- then she froze and just stared at me

Louis squeezed my hand then let go. I slowly unwrapped my arm from Niall's waist and stepped forwards.

It was then that I seen the tears in her eyes.. and I felt the tears stream down my cheeks.

She pulled me into a hug and I sobbed into her chest. She cried hard too, a lot like me. Both of us were short of breath and sniffling. 

"hi, baby brother" she whispered as she petted my curls

"Hi" I sniffled, "You're gorgeous" I giggled

She laughed softly and held my face in her hands

"And you're beautiful too, baby" 

"Gemma.." Mum butted in

Gemma let me go and I stepped to the side. Louis was back by me, holding my hand. I squeezed his hand tight as we watched the scene play out infront of us

Gemma was stiff. She was.. obviously not as comfortable with my mum as I thought she'd be.

"Mum.. it's.. been a long time."

Our mother nodded slowly..

"You.. You met him" Mum whispered while dabbing her eyes

"Thank you for letting me" 

Gemma gave in and hugged our mum. It wasn't as lovingly as she hugged me- but it was a hug, none the less.

Then she looked at our Nana. Niall was sitting with her by now. 

Nana stood and smiled at the girl who looked like the younger version of mum.

"It's lovely to finally see you, Gems"

"Hi, Nana" Gemma hugged her too then looked at Niall and Louis

"The blonde is your friend.. Niall. And this must be the boyfriend" she chuckled as she looked at the two boys with us

Niall smiled at her and held out his hand for her to shake.

"Lovely to meet you. Where'd you get your jeans?"

"Online, actually." Gemma smiled- I could tell these two would get along, "Where'd you get those tights? Darling, they fit you so well"

Niall blushed and smiled wide. "Thank you. I got them at the mall. We could all go sometime!"

"Sure thing! Sounds great, actually." 

Louis stepped forwards, letting my hand go, and smiled at her

"Louis Tomlinson.. the boyfriend" Louis grinned at her

Immediately, Gemma pulled him into a tight hug. Almost the same way she hugged me.

She whispered something that made Louis hug her back tighter and take a deep breath. He does that when he's trying not to cry.

"I'm very thankful you wanted to be in his life, Gemma.. He needs a big sister like you" Louis said as they pulled apart

"He needs you too, Louis"

"Let's get home then.. This airport won't let us stay here forever." Nana chuckled 

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