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We all laughed loudly as Gemma told another joke. I almost choked on my bacon while Mum spit her orange juice across the table- making us laugh even harder

I smiled so wide my cheeks hurt as I chewed my food.

This was amazing.. this is the family I always wanted..

I poured myself a glass of milk and Gemma put another pancake on my plate.

"Oh, no, I couldn't"

"Fine, we'll split it then" she raised her eyebrows at me

I gave in and cut the pancake in half

We both ate our half then I got up to take all the dishes to the sink

"No, dear, let me.. You and your sister go find something to do" Mum stood and took the plates from my hands

"Are you sure, Mum? I can help, I don't mind" 

"Yes, I'm sure, bub. Go, have fun" she kissed my head and i beamed at her

She smiled back then went to wash the plates

I kissed Nana's cheek then Gemma took my hand and we left the house..

As we wondered around town, I had the best idea ever!

"We should go to the park! There's always people playing basketball there, and sometimes kids fly kites. Want to?" I suggested

"Sounds fun! Is there anywhere to get icecream around here?" she asked

"Gems, it's 9:30 in the morning" I laughed

She shrugged

"Okay fine.. We'll get ice-cream at 10:30." 

I laughed and agreed and we started walking to the park..

When we reached it.. it was empty..

and there were police everywhere.

"woah.. what happened here?" she asked quietly

"Maybe a kid went missing or something.." I whispered

A cop started to walk over to us

"Can we help you?" he asked us

"Uh.. no.. no, we didn't know anything happened here.. we were just coming to hang out" Gemma answered

"Well, sorry, but the park's gonna be closed for a while"

"What happened?" I asked

"Did a child go missing?" Gemma asked

"No.. a boy was shot here last night durng a fight. His friends called the police and an ambulance. I'm sorry but that's all I can say at the moment" he turned to walk away but I called after him

"Wait! Sir?"

He looked at me.

"Was it.. Was it someone from highschool here?"

"Yeah.. I heard he's on the football team... sorry, but I'll need you two to leave now"

We walked away from the park and I swallowed hard

"Do you.. Do you think you know who it was?" Gemma asked me slowly

"Yeah.. there's always fights in the park.. and.. if he was on the football team.. It could be Niall's boyfriend" I told her slowly

"Well, should we go check Niall's house?" she asked, now worried too

I nodded and started to lead her to my blonde friend's house..

When we reached the house it was 10am. 

I knocked hard on the door. 

"It's 10, someone should be up.. and his mum is off today" I told Gemma

She nodded and then the door opened

"Harry, oh dear.. have you seen my boy?" she asked quickly

"Wha-what?" I stuttered

"He went out last night.. he said he was just going with some friends.. I thought he was with you." she sputtered through tears

"Oh no" I whispered

Lost In Your Own Mind ~L.S~Where stories live. Discover now