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Louis made me smile.

I felt my cheeks burn as they stretched with my grin..

I hadn't smiled like that in a long time

So, the rest of the walk to school, our hands kept brushing.. and I felt my stomach doing weird things and my lips formed small and hidden smiles..

I noticed how Louis smiled and messed with his hair each time it would happen. It's his nervous habit.

When we reached the school, of course we were pulled into the principle's office.. 

He lectured us about the importance of school and education, and he said he was dissapointed to find out that their new student (louis) ran out on the first day.. 

I told him it was all my fault. And he believed me. And I got served a detention after school.

But at least Louis isn't in trouble..

When he let us go to class, first period was already over, and second was halfway through.. Our classes were right by each other and Louis felt the need to lecture me about taking the blame all the way down the fucking hall

But we both stopped outside the doors.. Neither of us wanted to part ways.

"My third is English, With Ms Whitetree" he said as he turned to face me

"Mine's Coach Mack's science class" 

He frowned and nodded..

"See you at lunch?" he offered

"Lunch" I agreed

then his arms wrapped around me for what felt like the first time in forever and I melted.. 


Yep. Melted into his hug.

I held onto him and took a deep breath- loving the way he smelled..

I shouldn't feel this way. We just met. 

"Later, Hazza" he mumbled as he ruffled my curls and let me go

"Bye, Lou"

All through classes, I couldn't stop thinking about everything that had happened. I was scared... Scared of losing my new friend... I was worried... worried he'd get fed up with me... 

"Hey" someone whispered at me- breaking me from my thoughts

"Harry" they repeated

I turned, confused, and looked at the blonde boy behind me

"I.. I know you don't know me.." he started

"Niall Horan" I said his name and smiled

He smiled too- like he always does.. This kid is always smiling.

He's a bookworm. A "nerd" as the football players would say.

"I.. This is gonna sound rude.. but I know your grades are fucking aces in this class, man.. and I need help."

I frowned

"You need help in Science?" I asked

"Yeah.. Look, I. I'm not really a nerd. I just read a lot" he confessed with that lopsided smile

"Oh. Okay. Sure. What do you need help on?" 

"Just with studying, really.."

"Like... after school?" I asked, now getting nervous

Lost In Your Own Mind ~L.S~Where stories live. Discover now