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I kissed him.

It was like fucking magic. It was unreal. It was beautiful and soft and slow and perfect

When we pulled away and rubbed our noses together then laid back down on my chest

"Sweet dreams, baby" I whispered into his hair as I shut the light off on my nighstand

"Sweet dreams, Lou"

I woke up to hear crying. I shot up out of bed and seen Harry in the floor.

Immediately, I turned the light on and fell into the floor by him

"Haz! baby, hey, what's going on? Are you hurt?" I asked quickly

I pulled his hands away from his chest. He was pretty much hugging himself.

"Baby, Look. look, it's me. It's Lou." I told him softly

I felt that my hands were warm and.. wet? I looked at his forearms, where I was holding and my heart shattered

He'd taken his nails and scratched himself so bad that he was bleeding.

He'd hurt himself again

"Harry, we need to get you into the bathroom" I told him as I tried to lift him off the ground

He was crying so hard he couldn't breathe, and he kept trying to apologize...

"It's okay, look, I'm gonna make you all better- We just have to get off the floor and-" as I was calming him, my bedroom door flew open and my mother stood there looking terrified

"I- I just woke up and heard- is he okay?" 

"No. No, mom, I- I can't get him up. He scratched his arms really bad. I- I need help" I told her quickly

She nodded and helped me lift him. We got him into the bathroom and she grabbed wash cloths and got them wet. She handed them to me and I started wiping the scratches..

"I'll get him a drink of water.. you okay with him now?" 

"yes, mom. thank you" 

She nodded and went down to the kitchen

Harry was a sniffling mess and he just let me clean the scratches and wrap them with bandage from our first aid kit. 

"Baby, you're okay. we'll get back in bed- or.. or we can sit outside, catch our breath. whatever you want, okay? I'm right here.." I told him as I washed my hands in the sink

Mom brought us the water and asked if she could talk to me

I put Harry back in my room, on the bed, and stepped out into the hall with her...

"What happened?" she asked me worriedly

"I just woke up and.. it could've been a nightmare or.."

"Take a breath, Boo. Look at me."

I calmed down and looked at her

"You take good care of him.. but if he does something like this again.."

"No. No, he's not going anywhere. Something bad happened- it was an accident. Accidents happen. It won't happen again, I'll make him better." I told her sternly

"Okay, Louis.. fine.. just.. don't make me have to tell someone, okay?"

"He won't get that bad!" 

She nodded and patted my shoulder

"I trust you, Louis.. just.. okay. Okay. Just don't get hurt."

I walked into my room and Harry was waiting where I left him.

"Hey, baby.. Do u wanna go back to bed? Or we can stay up? Cuddle and watch a movie?"

"I.. I'm sorry"

"Hey.. don't be. Shit happens. but.. what happened?" I asked as I sat next to him

"I. It was a dream but.. a.. memory and.." he sniffled and I reached out and grabbed his chin gently

"Did I. Did I trigger it? Did I do something?" I asked nervously

"No. It had nothing to do with you, I promise, Louis"

I nodded and rubbed my thumb over his cheek before dropping my hand back into my lap

"It was.. the first time I got hit.. I cried. and...if I cried, I got hit again.. but my mom tried to actually stop him and.. I just passed out. Couldn't even help her.."

"Oh, baby.. you cant blame yourself for that.. You were scared and hurt.."

"I know.. but.. she was a good mom, ya know? Then.. the drinking and.. she just stopped caring."

"hey.. hey, look at me"

he looked up and I noticed the tears in his eyes

"Can I kiss you again?" I whispered 

He nodded quickly and scooted closer

I gently held his face and our lips met for the second time

After a second, he pulled away and reset his lips on mine.

Lost In Your Own Mind ~L.S~Where stories live. Discover now