Harry struggles with depression and anorexia. His body is small and fragile. He's malnourished and bleeding from every cut his body consumes. The new boy at school can't stand to see the hurt in those green eyes..
I breathed slowly and cautiously as I watched the clock on the wall. The bell would ring in 3 minutes, then I'd be meeting Niall Horan outside the front doors and walking home with him to tutor him on Science work.
I was beyond terrified.
But when that bell rang, I did what Louis said..
I took deep breaths. I stood. I told myself- more like imagined Louis telling me- that I'd be okay and that this would go fine.
When I reached the front doors and seen the blonde boy standing against the brick wall, wearing his soft purple sweater, light blue jeans, and pink and white shoes, I felt a little more calm.
He didn't look scary. His fluffy blonde hair looked inviting. And he didn't look rude like the football captain, Liam Payne who always presses girls to lockers and kisses them in front of everyone.
"Hey, Niall" I greeted as casually as I could
He popped his earbuds out and smiled at me. That signature Horan smile.
"Hey! Thanks again for doing this. I know you don't know me and all but... this is just really nice of you, Harry" he hugged me
I smiled. Just a small smile. And I rubbed his back
"Of course. Maybe you could tell me a few good books in return" I said as we pulled away
"I've got a couple shelves full! You can borrow some!" he said happily before linking his arm with mine as we walked down the sidewalk
When we reached his house- which was surprisingly close to mine (I could see my roof on the street over)- his mother was in the kitchen and his brother was at the dining table
"Mom, this is Harry. He's gonna study with me. Maybe more in the future" Niall greeted the woman.. and ignored the boy
"I'm Maura. Nice to meet you. Hope to see you around again. We love that Niall's making friends" she smiled at me as she stirred a pot on the stove
"more like boyfriends" the boy at the table behind us 'coughed'
Niall rolled his eyes and Maura scolded him
"he's.. a dick" Niall muttered as he linked arms with me again and lead me away from that area of the house
Niall's room was the prettiest room EVER. He had one of those types of beds with the curtains around it. And he hung flower and vine strands in the curtains. The sheets and pillow cases were silk and pink. The walls were soft white. He had a little desk with make up brushes in cups and little eyeshadow pallets organized neatly on it. The carpet was grey, a good contrast to the walls. He had a walk in closet and a bathroom attached to it.
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Just by how nice his mom was- and how nice he'd been- I was pretty comfortable already.. but this room..
it's like it just takes all your worries and stress away and you feel so accepted when you're in it.
"I love this room, Niall.. it's so... wow"
"Glad you like it. Come sit." he smiled invitingly as he sat himself on the bed
I slipped my shoes off by the door, like he did a minute ago, and followed him.
I gently touched the white curtain as I passed. It was so smooth. I sat by him gently and I swear I was floating on a cloud.
"This is amazing" I grinned at him
He's now the second person to make me truly smile. He's very inviting.