Harry struggles with depression and anorexia. His body is small and fragile. He's malnourished and bleeding from every cut his body consumes. The new boy at school can't stand to see the hurt in those green eyes..
I fell asleep with Harry curled up on top of me. Both my arms were wrapped around his lower back and my nose was nuzzled into the top of his head..
I woke up to his alarm clock at 6am and he groaned tiredly
"I don't wanna go" he muttered
"I promised mom we would, babe" I chuckled and rolled us over
I realized I was hovering over him and when he tiredly rubbed his fists into his eyes, I leaned down and pressed my lips to the tip of his little button nose. He giggled loudly, like a child, and genty batted me away
"You don't like it?" I asked through soft chuckles
"I love it.. but it makes me giggle and turn pink" he laughed
"You're extra beautiful when you blush" I promise him before rolling off the boy and going to grab my clothes from yesterday
"Hey! You can't wear those. They're dirty" he protested as he crawled out of his bed after me
"What do I wear then?"
"I'll pick something" he smirked and walked to his dresser
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"You look amazing, Lou" Harry gushed as he looked at me
I smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him closer
"Can I choose your outfit?"
"Sure" he smiled
I kissed his nose again then walked over to the dresser...
and when I found the perfect thing for him to wear, I turned and smiled widely at him
"You're gonna look fan-fucking-tastic. Come here"
He laughed at my choice of words and walked over to me. I grabbed the bottom of his sweater and pulled it off. He was shocked as I tossed it into his laundry hamper and he covered his slim middle with his arms
"Sorry- I.. I should've made sure that was okay first. Are you okay?" I asked quickly when I realized he was self conscious
"hey, calm down.. I'm fine. Just. I was a little surprised. Now gimme that outfit" He smiled at me and his eyes assured me that he was okay