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"Honey.. I have something to tell you" mom told me

I'd grown closer to her the last month. This was scaring me, though. 

Thoughts raced through my mind. Is she sick? Is Nana sick? Is she gonna leave again? Is she gonna make me leave with her? Are we gonna move? Is something bad happening? 

"I've kept this from you for far too long.." she sighed as she dabbed at her eyes before passing me a small picture. A polaroid picture.

Of a girl holding a baby.

"What is this?" I asked as I stared at the baby

The little curls on it's head were too much like mine. The girl was.. young. Under 10 years old, surely. She had brown hair- the same as Mum's. Her smile was too close to mine. 

"That's your sister.."

a Million thoughts rushed around my head. they made me dizzy. I couldn't take my eyes off the photo.

It was me- the baby is me. 

And she's.. 

"What.. what's her name?" I whispered, my voice cracking a little

"Gemma Styles"

I looked up at my mom. 

"What happened to her?" I asked, now fearing that she was dead or Dad did something really bad to her..

"When she was 6, I had you.. And.. we didn't have money. Pretty much 5 dollars to our names and.. we couldn't afford to have to children"

"S-so, what happened to her?" I asked again, this time my voice was louder

"We sent her to live with my sister.."

"Does she.. does she know about me now? Does she know we live in America now?"

"Yes, she does.. and.. she called me. Louis.. Louis heard it. He was here, getting your clothes.. He didn't tell you because I told him not to. And I wanted to tell you when you were in a good mindset and could... handle the stress"

I just stared

I understood why Louis didn't tell me. It wasn't his place.. but why would she keep my sister- HER DAUGHTER a secret for so long?

"So.. so what'd she call about?"

"She wants to meet you. She said she wanted to come to America but I told her not yet.. You weren't ready.. but it's been a month- and I've been around for a month.."

"Yes." I blurted


"Yes. I want her to come here. I want to meet her. She's- she's my sister, of course I want to meet her." I spoke fast

She just nodded slowly

"Actually, I.. I want to call her. Like.. now" I looked back down at the picture

She looked so happy. So excited

I was even smiling and I was tiny.

We've got some sort of bond that I can't remember- but I'm sure she does. And that was taken from us.

"Can I use your phone?" I asked my mom

Lost In Your Own Mind ~L.S~Where stories live. Discover now