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I walked home soon after I decided to be friends with Niall. 

I was honestly... proud of myself.

Since Louis jumped into my life yesterday, I kinda.. I kinda feel like I can do anything.


I felt like that.. until I seen Liam Payne in the yard I was having to walk past

And he was drinking. And his friends were around.

"Hey! Hey, aren't you that quiet kid?" he shouted at me

He was slightly slurring his words.. I remember when my dad used to drink.. 

"Hey! I'm talking to you, Curly!" he shouted again, this time his friends laughed at the nickname he called me

I kept walking, a little quickly, then a half full beer can was thrown and I got hit in the back with it. I stumbled but didn't fall.

"Are you fucking deaf?!" he shouted, "Come here! I'm damn well talking to you!"

I turned slowly and looked at him

"Finally fucking acknowledging me! Aren't you that-" he was going to repeat his question but I cut him off

"Yes. I sit in the back of your first class" I told him nervously

"Think you can interrupt me?!" he walked over to me so he was only arm length away

I suddenly felt very small. I felt young again- and memories of my abuse flashed through my mind

"I'm.. I'm sorry" I whispered

"Sorry? Oh, you look like a scared bunny" he laughed loudly

I flinched and he laughed louder. He actually pushed me and I fell on my side. 

"Hey, what the hell's going on?!" louis

I heard pounding footsteps getting closer. Liam was shouting again. But so was Louis. He must've been walking around or something..

"Fuck you, Liam! Go screw your whore girlfriend!" 

"You don't even know me, New kid" Liam laughed

"I've heard plenty of rumors" 

"Oh, yeh? Well, I heard you fucked this little brat under the bleachers on your first day. Then, you ran from the teachers" 

"Oooo queers!" one of Liam's friends cheered

"Maybe I did. Why you asking, Liam? You want me to fuck you too?" Louis asked

"Hell no" Liam laughed

"Scared your friends will find out the truth" Louis said as he got in Liam's face

"Wh-what?" Liam stuttered

"Only been here a fucking day and I've heard about you and Trenton McCall" Louis whispered before turning to me and crouching next to me

"Come here, love, let's get you home"

He picked me up and I wrapped my body around him

"Liam's just jealous" he muttered as he rubbed my back soothingly. 

I buried my face in his neck and cried quietly

Lost In Your Own Mind ~L.S~Where stories live. Discover now