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Tonight. Anne is doing it tonight. 

Harry's been clean from sef harm for a month and I think he's in the right headspace to know about his sister. I told Anne he was ready and she's gonna sit him down tonight and talk to him.

I'm gonna be there too. I'll stay in his room while anne talks to him and if he needs me, he can come get me or come into the room with me. 


When lunch rolled around Niall, Harry, and I sat together. Niall was extra bubbly and he didn't know that we knew about his secret relationship...

I glanced at Harry.. then back at Niall.

Harry was about to burst because he wanted to tell Niall that we knew- but I told him it wa sbetter to wait until Niall was comfortable enough to tell us.

"Hey, Ni, have you got yourself a crush or anything?" I asked him as I sipped my juice from the cafeteria 

"Mmm. No. Not really" he shrugged and took a bite of his PB&J.

"Oh" I nodded

"Why? Do you know anyone that likes me?" he asked, trying to lie- but it was painfully obvious that he's a shit liar

"Nope, I was just wondering if you were interested in anyone" I shrugged 

He nodded and looked at Harry

Harry was grinning with his dimples showing and I gently stepped on his foot under the table. He was being so obvious hahaha

"What're you all smiley about?" Niall asked him

"You. I'm so glad you're doing okay." he giggled and reached over to fix Niall's hair

Niall just smiled wider

"Thanks, Cookie"

Suddenly, Liam was next to him and sitting down. 

And a few of Liam's friends.

"uhm" Harry stuttered

I raised my eyebrows at Liam. He cleared his throat, kinda awkwardly...

"This is Zayn and Gigi. They're.. they're the only cool friends I've got. The others are asses." he motioned to the boy and girl who sat with him

"Hi. I'm Harry" Harry told them shyly

"I'm Louis" I added politely

"Niall? Are you gonna introduce yourself?" I asked as I turned back to the blonde

"Uh.. They already.. They know me. We.. we talk. In some classes" 

I nodded and looked at Liam

"You haven't been a dick lately" I pointed out bluntly

"I'm sorry about that." he sighed

I studied him for a second then held my hand across the table to him. He didn't hesitate- he shook my hand and nodded at me with a small smile on his lips. I smiled too then took Harry's hand and laced our fingers. Liam just grinned at us and looked at Niall.

"Wanna hang out after school? I can.. I can drive you home?" he offered

"Yeah" Niall smiled like a school girl with a crush

Well. It's definitely a crush- or maybe his boyfriend. We don't know. But they are OBVIOUSLY something.

We talked to Zayn and Gigi a little bit. We figured out that they are together and they're honestly really cool. Zayn's chill, very calm, and funny. Gigi knows all the drama but isn't involved in any of it- she's calm and smiles a lot, but not a fake smile like other girls around here. 

And Liam.. he was making Niall smile like I'd never seen before. It was beautiful, really. Niall was laughing and staring at Liam when he spoke. And Liam talked with his hands. It was funny. And Niall loved it.

this whole thing might just work out..

Lost In Your Own Mind ~L.S~Where stories live. Discover now