14 ☠️

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There we were again, sitting in a circle, in a quite uncomfortable silence. My eyes slowly went over to Jeongin. I hadn't talked to him since waking up, but he seemed to be happy like nothing had happened before. Honestly, that was even sadder. I really felt bad for him. His eyes met mine, but I instantly looked away again. Why, I didn't exactly know. Probably a sense of guilt.

"So, I guess this is our first actual group meeting since the game started?" Chan finally started to try and get rid of the uneasiness. I hadn't really talked to anyone since the last incident - except for Jeongin then - which honestly made things even more uncomfortable for me. Surely I hadn't exactly build a bond with these guys just yet, but I was hoping to at least be able to talk to them normally. I'd have to spend a long time with them anyways. But it seemed go be going the complete opposite way, as now the guys barely even looked at me.

Honestly though, I didn't even understand why exactly. Hadn't I lead them all to safety? Who knew what happened if I didn't go my own way? Hyunjin might not have survived that cold, and maybe Changbin wouldn't be as sharp as now with the possibility of it being a trap if I hadn't warned them. And above all that it would have probably taken way longer for them to find the actual exit. For all I knew they would have frozen to death without me. Didn't I at least deserve some recognition for that? Even a small smile would be enough, but instead I got completely avoided like the plague. Again, except for by Jeongin though, but he was somehow the guy I was unconsciously avoiding.

I shouldn't be minding it this much though. It's not like I wanted to be the center of attention. The opposite quite, I didn't mind staying in the background, but this all was too awkward. Plus my pride was acting up again. Not that anyone would ever know about the stupid complex I had though. I didn't have anyone to rant to, plus no one ever asked. I couldn't just go up to someone and say 'hey, I have never received love, attention or recognition so now I desperately crave it but am too scared of people at the same time, so I ignore people whenever they even try to get close to me'. Yeah, definitely not admitting that.

Their chatter seemed to be going on already, but I wasn't even focused on it. Something I quite often unintentionally did, simply zoning out. Not exactly smart in situations like these, but it often happened when there were too many people around. Too much noise for me to handle, and to be quite frank, these guys could be pretty loud apparently. I mentally slapped myself. I needed to focus if I wanted to survive in here. These guys were going to play an important role in getting what I wanted, so I had to make sure to get to know them.

"So, everyone agrees?" Chan concluded things with. Shit, I just missed the entire discussion, didn't I? I only nodded, not wanting to be the odd one out. Maybe I could ask Changbin later, he was one of the easiest out of these guys to approach. Chan took a deep breath, standing up to look around the room. "I thought I saw it somewhere," he muttered under his breath. They weren't done yet? Phew, I didn't miss all of it apparently. "Ah, there it is," Chan exclaimed happily, coming back with a pen and paper.

"Here, we can write our strong and weak signs on here. No secrets right?" Oh, that's right. He'd mentioned it before. It was definitely smart, I'll tell you that. The note got passed around. First Chan wrote his down, over to Jeongin, Jisung to Minho, Changbin, then from Changbin to me, to Felix, Seungmin and Hyunjin, who gave it back to Chan again, who laid it down in the middle for us to see. A plus for the strenght, a minus for the weaknesses.

Strenghts & weaknesses
+ keeping overview, good intuition
+ athletic and strong
- can't leave the lead to others, will argue when being questioned
- scared of small spaces
+ open to almost everyone, easy to make friends and have others trust him
- naive, trusts others too quickly
- no sense of direction
+ inventive
+ focused on being careful not to get hurt
+ knows everything about small injuries
- terrible anxiety, bad at interacting with others
- seriously clumsy
+ photographic memory
- have to worry about Jisung
+ strength
+ quick to notice details around me
- obsessive with certain things
+ know a lot of random facts
+ very good intuition and memory, noticing details
~ not the strongest, but not weak either
- terrible at directions
- bad at communicating
- not a great immune system
+ knows a lot about food, things that are edible and what not, in the wild too
+ charming, bright
+ athletic, fast
- shut down at times, lowering my guard
+ very clear mind, notice other's emotions quickly
+ can read microexpressions
+ know everything about health concerning needing patching up and stuff
- have a condition that makes body quite weak, needs a lot of rest, getting injured easily
- can be grumpy cuz of others constant negativity (so you better all be happy)
+ good with hands, inventive
- too quickly worried for others

Everyone carefully studied it. It really gave you a new perspective of everyone, though I myself hadn't completely been open when it came to the reason for my aspects. Not that they needed to know though, they could hold that into account with the bad at interacting. "So... for the groups...," Chan started. Oh you had to be kidding. You meant to tell me that the things they discussed was about groups? "Based on this, it's best to have two groups. Strenght wise I want to keep have me and Changbin in different groups. For the rest..."

First we'd all find a place to stay, gather everyone. Chan, Jeongin and Seungmin would check what could be used in case of emergencies close to the place, Changbin, Minho and Felix would go out to explore the area, gather food and find water, while Hyunjin, Jisung and I would try to make tools to use during our stay. Everything that could make life easier during the zone.

Though I had quite the feeling this wasn't going to be easy at all as we were ready to open the door.

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