Chapter Forty-Seven: Life (Part 1)

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The golden sun left a curved beam of light on a lilac rug that comforted a large white queen-sized bed. Within the bed was the Queen herself. Despite such beautiful weather in Nestra's castle, panic erupted throughout the lavish rooms and halls. 

The Kingdom's Prince Consort, Hubert von Vestra, was in a state no one had ever witnessed before. Luckily, no one was to see it as he had locked himself in an idle bathroom off of one of the winding third floor halls. He had only just reached his second home, already rather anxious for the birth of his child, and now; without warning, his wife was in excruciating pain within labour. 

White gloves were carelessly thrown to the side of the white marble sink, on the rim was two clenched hands that gripped the sides for dear life- veins visible up to his elbow as the black sleeves of his uniform had been pulled up from stress. Hubert stared himself down in the oval mirror, black hair dishevelled as waves trickled down his thin right eye. If you looked close enough, you would notice that Hubert's usual small beady pupils were now the size of the buttons that held his tunic together; and he had not a single cup of coffee in his system. 

That was to change very soon. 

"Sire, please come out." The previous whimpering page boy was hovering outside of the bathroom door like a fly. He had been for around 15 minutes, since carelessly throwing out the news that Hubert's pregnant wife was giving birth. Or in the early stages, anyway. 

The prince consort and father-to-be, once again, remained silent. Only the rapid beating of his heart filled his ears and mind. Although Hubert did hear small things, such as the loud slam of a door further up the hallway and distant, familiar yelling. 

"What is going on? I sent you to the entrance hall thirty minutes ago!" A bellow echoed from the other end of the lengthy hall. From the low tone and authoritative register, Hubert could sense it was Nestra's second in command, Henry. "Don't just stare, where is the fool?!" 

The page boy needed to say no more as one glance to the glossy white door told Henry all he needed to know. With some more strides and a few more impatient huffs, the mage threw his shoulder and body weight onto the door- barging open without any warning. 

"Vestra." He swallowed, furrowing his brows at the scene before him. That was until he looked closer, at how pale and lifeless Hubert appeared slumped over the round sink. "...Hubert?" Genuine worry wavered as Henry turned to close the bathroom door, flicking his olive hand towards the slender boy and dismissing him.

"I could have been using the toilet." Hubert blandly replied, not turning to the similar aged man beside him. Instead, he traced the cracks in the deep green tiles that plastered the bottom half of the wall in front of him. Small, obsolete reflections of himself peered back, making him eventually cast his eyes away and instead to the pit of the sink.

"I do not think that would have mattered in this case." Henry sighed, although a small twitch on the corner of his thin lips showed he found amusement in Hubert's words. " I would have dragged you off it if you were simply on the toilet for leisure.

"What a grim thought." Hubert scrunched his broad nose up as if he smelled something foul, "I cannot go out there Henry." Facing the truth, for once, Hubert closed his eyes lightly- waiting for the aggressive argument he was to get in return. 

There was a moment of silence before a response, Henry took a step closer, his black cape tickling the back of his calves. "You must."

"And see her in pain? Knowing I am, realistically, to blame?" 

"Yes. Every other man on the planet manages to do it, so can you." 

If there was one person who could back-chat Hubert von Vestra other, than his wife and liege, it was Henry. The mages never seemed to be on relatively good terms, occasionally agreeing on battle tactics, but on this occasion- Hubert knew Henry was right. 

"There are too many 'what if's'" The pair locked eyes, only for a spilt second before Hubert shot back down again like a rabbit in hiding. 

"Confide in me." Henry leaned against the wall to his left, legs crossed as well as his arms. "I can assure you that whatever worry you have, is very normal."

The prince consort/ imperial minister paused, almost as if every worry and question hit him like a sack of bricks. 

"You're right."

"I know I'm right."

"I'm so stupid, ___ must be so scared and I'm just stood here."

"Well then let us be off. Dad."

"Never say that to me ever again."


A delicate knock echoed through your 'medical' room. It was made a few months ago, spacious, bright and it also had a balcony which was perfect for when you got sudden bursts of hot sweats. The bed was large, white and had floral silk sheets you chose personally. The lilac walls were cloaked with paintings of yourself and Hubert, the black eagle strike force and your own ministers of Nestra. Being surrounded by such familiar faces while unfamiliar physicians prodded at you- was rather comforting. 

"Code word?" A tanned nurse, who was sterilising some needles in a corner, grouched the words out as if she was the one giving birth. 

"Ram." Hubert's deep, villainous voice abruptly replied before the door creaked open.

"Oh thank goodness!" You cried, making a sad attempt at trying to sit up in your bed, eventually just flopping back down onto the many pillows you had resting below your weakened state. "Where have you been?!" Instead of getting up, you outstretched a shaking arm to the tall man who scaled the large room quickly, kneeling at the side of your bed gently. 

"The page boy got lost." Henry stood at the door, shaking his head, "I'll be waiting outside, call if you need me Your Majesty."

"I am so very sorry my love." Hubert took your hand in his, stroking the back of it with his larger thumb. "I cannot imagine how you must have felt alone here." His thin brows were once again furrowed as he then kissed your knuckles in apology. 

"Calm down, I am quite alright. I thought you may have gotten delayed and that you would miss the birth." You gave a meek smile to settle his nerves, patting the side of your bed in offering. "You're here now, that is all that matters."

"I am indeed, at your beck and call. Both of you." Peering at your large stomach, Hubert patted it gently. "Move up there, you have this large bed, don't be stingy."


Am back! I finished college (UK wise) so now I have holidays and can write if I get bored or have the time to (which I will). I hope you like this chapter as I am writing it whilst my dog snores beside me and his cuteness gives me inspiration. 

Stay safe, thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2022 ⏰

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