Chapter Twenty-two: Dysmissal

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The conversation with Seteth lasted far too long, first he stared with condolences then he asked if you would be returning to the monastery and then he went on to have the nerve to ask if the Archbishop and himself would be going to the coronation!

"Goodbye Seteth." You called to the man stood aimlessly behind you, he wasn't done talking but you were done listening.

"Well your Majesty?" Frankie folded his arms and tilted his head, a lock of brown hair that was pushed back fell onto his freckled forehead. 

"Frankie please just refer to me as 'Lady ___' or even just ___."

"Considering your position- that makes me highly uncomfortable."

"Yes, but your majesty reminds me on that my father just died, so do it for me."

"Of course, Lady ___."

"Thank you. It was fine, he was just pestering." you grumbled, taking off.

Now you had to locate Hubert, every hall was mostly empty, guards being out on training activities and students being in lessons. At least you could inform the professor whilst calling for Hubert, kill two birds with one stone.

"Frankie, will you be coming with me to the classroom?" You looked up to the man, who must be around 25 if you could guess- to be honest you never asked throughout the years of knowing him.

"I will wait outside for you." He bowed, letting you push open the black eagles doors.

"___, late again. I swear we were only having tea a few moments ago." Byleth dropped the book onto his desk, the amount of times you were turning up late to his classes were highly bothersome.

"Professor, may I borrow Hubert?" You ignored his last comment and looked to your left, Hubert already getting up despite what Byleth would say.

"I guess I have no choice in the matter." He sighed, looking the two of you up and down, such confusion on how someone managed to make a man like Hubert fall in love. 

Hubert, as usual, had his eyes thinned and lips pursed. Even when being outside in the crisp air he didn't change his facial emotive.

"Why didn't you tell me something like this was happening? That he was ill." Hubert bombarded you with question after question.

"I was told the same night I was informed about you." You confessed, ignoring an awkward looking Frankie to the side.

"Oh." Was all Hubert could reply with, that's why you didn't tell him.

"But Hubert." You began, holding his arm with your hand, "I must be leaving tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? Must you?" He felt cold to the touch, his words full of dishearten and worry. "Will you be alright? I'm not one for condolences but.."

"I will be fine, I have Ernest and Frankie with me. Henry will also be at Castle Ranlord once I return." At the mention of Frankie's name, Hubert looked over your shoulder, seeing the man mentioned leaning against a wall- averting his eyes from Hubert's gaze.

"Doesn't look too compelling I must say." He mumbled, the man wasn't even able to look him in the eyes, how would he protect one of the most cherished people to him?

"He's just trying not to impose." You giggled at Hubert's words, "Should I let you get back to class?"

"I'd be lying if I said I wanted to go back in there, ___." He frowned, eyebrows drooping, this was a rare expression you'd see on his face, "I don't wish to waste my time with you, you'll be gone so soon."

"I'll be back, Hubert. I promise." Guilt is what you felt, but you had to go back, once crowned however you could return as often as you pleased. Your arms clung tightly to the man's back hands clutching the fabric of his uniform and face burying itself- hiding away from the duties of it's life. "I love you." You spoke into his chest, the firm hold he had on you felt so comforting and protective.

"I love you too." Still not used to saying them words, they came out quieter than expected.

"I must talk with our Professor." You sniffed, pulling away from Hubert's loving embrace and looking at the class doors.

"I understand, I shall see you after class." The words felt empty, he had gained a fear since confessing to you- that you would leave him for another, someone better than him or even if you just went to Nestra and never spoke to him again.

He needed you.

"Wait." Hubert's hand hovered over the door handle, his head looking back at your pouting face. He knew exactly what you were trying to say.

Smiling and shaking his head, he took one vast step and closed the gap between you, his black hair tickling your cheeks as he planted a loving kiss on your lips. Your arms hung by your sides and his hands cupped each of your cheeks to give the kiss some force.

But of course this wouldn't be the Black Eagle house without an envision of privacy. Each student peered out of the stained glass window, many gasping some even said 'aww'.

"They're watching." Hubert mumbled against your hair, he'd miss breathing in your intoxicating scent- especially when he'd wake up. Not having you there in his bed or having you drag him into town any spare moment you all broke his heart.

"That doesn't matter." You smiled to yourself as Hubert was resting his head on yours. "I'm glad they have all seen now."

"As am I." He sighed, pulling away. "I'll send the professor out to you."


Byleth agreed to talk with you when Hubert told him you requested his presence, although it was hard to get out clearly with all of the questions and arm shaking from his fellow students.

"Wait!" Ferdinand gasped, hands over his mouth and golden-caramel eyes wide. "Saturday. When you wouldn't let me in, and you were still in your vest and undergarments..."

"Hm, took you long enough." Hubert scoffed, his admittance to spending the night with you made the class erupt more.

"I didn't know you had it in you, Hubert." Caspar remarked, Linhardt shaking his head at the blue's comment.

"Of course he has it in him Caspar. The man's twenty- it'd be a cause for concern if he-"

"Not like that Lin!" Caspar whined, not wanting to listen to Linhardt lecture him on male anatomy, especially Hubert's. "Wait. You're twenty?" 

"Twenty-one in April." Hubert never liked revealing his age, how Linhardt found out he had no idea. Only Edelgard, the professor and ___ should know.

"Hubie has a birthday?" Dorothea joined the tease Hubert train, faking a shocked face. "And so soon. What date?"

Hubert looked at the teen and simply replied with, "No."

Edelgard laughed, "I'll make sure all of you know when it draws near." Her calm and collective demeanor challenging everyone else's.  

"So how old is ___?" Caspar held a hand to his chin, eyes not focused on anything in particular.

"Old enough." Hubert slapped back, knowing what Caspar was getting at.

"If you say so, Hubert." Ferdinand stifled a laugh.


Good day/Night to you. This be an odd chapter. 

FHQ- 'No.'

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