Chapter Eighteen: Damnable regret.

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Hubert's POV.

Half five I rose at today, half an hour earlier than usual. The weather certainly did not reflect my mood, all sunny and warm considering it nearly being the second moon into the year. Perhaps it was a foreshadowing of what is to come? I can only hope.

I don't even remember last night, each night after ___ confronted me I would drink, seeing her so happy with Dimitri must have made me buy the extra bottle yesterday. One reason I can tell I was drunk is that, on the rare occasion I do get drunk, I tend to sleep rather revealingly. Taking off the cover on my bed was almost stripping me of all my clothing, as all that was underneath were my undergarments. 

'Not even a vest, Hubert?'

This was getting unbearable; how did I ever manage to survive living in this Monastery while that beautiful beast happened to be in every corner I looked at? I despise the feeling she gives me, the pain,  jealousy and the longing to hold her, she clouds my thoughts- my judgement!

"Damn you, ___ Van Wallskien." I cursed her name out loud to myself through a clenched jaw, throwing on my black and gold Officers Academy jacket, fastening it up right to the neck. As routine; I went to grab my scarf and coat-hesitating now when the thoughts of how I gained the scarf came to mind. 

I was so blind then, so blind to my actual feelings and so blind to the problems they would cause me.

* * *

It was no secret to myself that each day since giving ___ the bracelet I'd try and catch a glimpse of her wrist in lessons. Praying to the 'Goddess' that she would have it dangling over the cuff of her shirt, forgiving me or even willing to look past my shadowed ways. No such luck, in fact today all that was near her hands was a rather ill looking quill, Henry's quill no less. 

'She must miss him.'

As I began writing the date and a few helpful notes from the professor, I pondered the reasoning behind Henry's sudden absence- I couldn't ask ___, but I did happen to sit next to the very nosy Dorothea.

"Dorothea." I said her name plainly, not bothering to give the time or day to raise my head to look at the girl.

"Yes, Hubie?"

I hate that name.

"Where is the inconsequential fool that is Henry? I presume he told you?" I exhaled at the sound of the name she likes to call me; I seem to have gathered a few nicknames from multiple females in this institution: 

Hubie, The Bert...Doomsday.

As undermining as 'Doomsday' is, I liked it all the same. Of course I did, ___ called me it. She did have...other names for me, but I won't think of them right now. Or the events that usually occurred afterwards.

"Well.." Dorothea let loose an expression I had never seen on her smug face before.

"You don't know, do you?" How infuriating, and also...unusual. With his loud mouth I assumed he would have told someone, unless there is more to what ___ said. I rested my head in my hand and thought hard:

"I have my Kingdom to think about, not whatever this is.

^A line that stuck with me from that night, at first the slight insult to our 'relationship' was what I focused on first. How ironic that she would say that, the very night I wanted to ask her to be my...girlfriend.

The term seemed childish to use, a Vestra having a girlfriend. That's about as unlikely as Ferdinand indulging in coffee flavoured chocolates. Of course to produce heirs-arranged marriages would take place. 

However, no one wanted to their daughter to even marry me when I reached the legal age for such a thing. Who would want to marry such a dark, depressing heir with only a title to his name? House Vestra only had money to offer, no land or affection or even attractive features. 

Just born, bred servants that live in House Hresvelg's shadow. 

^That's what my father had told me, anyways.

I said not another word to the songstress, not until she stopped me from leaving the classroom once the Professor dismissed us. Holding a rather tight grip on my upper arm.

"You know you could ask ___." Her brown curls bounced as she nodded to the Crown Princess consulting with our professor.

"No." I shook her off , "But perhaps you should, Henry was your significant other after all." I sighed, the man was most likely in Nestra's Capital. Yegin. But I thought she should find that out for herself; to avoid some unnecessary conversations.

I could only guess that where he was located as ___ seemed to imply something was going on there or with Nestra in general. Henry had no place being in any other cities through Fodlan and the fact that he did not tell Dorothea means he wasn't visiting any sick family members either.

No, something rather large was happening behind the scenes and ___ seemed to be a darn good actress at hiding it. Even Ernest was staying rather calm.

Speaking of the weasel that was Prince Ernest, I had picked up on the daring looks the teenager was shooting. I hoped he would be an alright boy, a composed and well formed Prince that didn't care to show his hatred for another student so...openly. 

 There could be only one reason why he would be looking at me in such a way; ___ informed him on what was going on, if he knew I had relations with his sister, he may have given an icier glare. Them green eyes of his have the power to do a lot more than whatever they were doing now.

"Do you have some ongoing feud with the young prince, Hubert?" Lady Edelgard seemed to see my visual discomfort at the child's gaze and cut it off with her abrupt talk. She has always had such a keen eye, something I always admired about her.

" It seems I may have done something to upset the boy, I don't know what, however." A blatant lie, I couldn't help myself from digging the stupid hole deeper.

"He looks a lot like his sister when he stares like that. The big eyes, furrowed brow and even the same dimple on the left side of his face." Lady Edelgard remarked, Ernest was now chatting away with Claude- a man who seemed to always lie actually. Perhaps I would get along with him instead.

"I do see it, he has the Van Wallskien hair too." I added, "Golden blonde locks."

"But not the eyes, he must have his mother's eyes. Whoever she was." Lady Edelgard hummed, finishing her meal and looking to me.

"I think we should leave now."


WooOOooooOo an all Hubert chapter, just to see into his insights of the whole thing.

Also my best Hubert line in this chapter is, 'The weasel that was Prince Ernest'

I should give my faveourite Hubert line in each AN at the bottom of the page. Or you could tell me yours, from the story or from the game.

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