Chapter thirty-one: Reconcile.

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You held the coffee beans in your hand, looking at them in thought. It was a sunday, early in the morning and according to Ferdinand, Hubet's morning off.

His door was like a black hole, getting too close may cause you an untimely death. Damn it you were so pathetic, as if coffee beans would make things okay again. You shoved them into your stachel and walked down the corridoor, feeling like the biggest clown in Fodlan.


"I couldn't do it." You plopped yourself down at the table, next to Ferdinand, "Coffee beans aren't enough."

"God you two are made for each other." He rolled his eyes and sighed, "Waiting will make things worse, just show him how much you love him, ___."

Biting your lip you agreed, "I suppose I should buy more gifts too."

Ferdinand facepalmed, neither you or Hubert listened to his advice. What was even the point?

* * *

A week, two perhaps passed- you had been running around buying things for Hubert, creating a little gift basket filled with small and silly trinkets you knew he liked. It sat proudly on your desk, a black bow tied to the handle and a note dangling.

Time to plant it outside his room. Your plan was to leave it there and wait for him to come to you, but that seemed unlikely.

Or the fact that you were caught.

"What's this?" Hubert stood behind you in the hall, causing a mini heart attack to errupt in your body.

"Oh, fuck." You groaned, turning around to face the tall man. "For you." You smiled sheepishly, handing him the basket.

He looked at it for a while before taking it from you, slowly. "For me?"

"Yeah..." You rubbed the back of your neck, "I really am sorry, Hubert."

"You did nothing wrong." He sighed, looking in the basket. "It's just not the easiest to face you after believing you lied to me for over four years."

"I understand. I really do, I'd feel the same." Looking down you felt almost as if your soul had left your body, being on the end of Hubert's cold manor was something you weren't used to at all.

"___." Hubert swallowed, his eyes dull and distant. "Share the coffee with me."

A stepping stone! Your face lit up, "Of course." Moving aside, you allowed the man to walk into his room, and just like Ferdinand said, there was his scarf hanging on the board of his bed.

"These are rather...fine beans. I hope they weren't expensive." Hubert looked at them, scared to use them as they were gifted by you.

"Money isn't an issue, Hubert." You smiled, looking around the nostalgic room, the same books were piled on top of each other, his sheets were made neatly and his calendar was filled to the brim with events.

"That's beside the point." He tutted, setting up a seating arrangement.

"Don't be like that, let me buy you things." You hummed, looking at his board- hand resting on your chin while you read through his messy scribbles.

Hubert stood there for a moment, staring at your beautiful self, reading his notes and timetable. Usually he'd scold someone for reading through his personal things..but you were always different, everything he had- was yours. You were actually there, after five years he had the chance to hold you, kiss you and here he was being cold and distant.

"T-the coffee will be ready now." He cleared his throat, moving his gaze from you to the table.

"That was fast, you know your writing is getting worse." You giggled, sitting down on the small pop-up table you assumed Ferdinand purchased.

"You seem to be able to read it fine." He commended, pouring the hot liquid into a white cup.

"It takes practice to read your writing, Hubert." You shook your head, remembering how long it took you to understand the ends of his letters, the parts that were always rushed.

"Either way, you're the only one who can." He took a seat opposite you, taking in the taste of the expensive beans and savouring the moment. "Perhaps you should go over my documents instead of her Majesty, it would save a lot of time."

"Heh, don't get too abitious." You snorted, knowing full well you'd fall asleep on the job.

"Surely you've gotten better." Hubert frowned, "You lead a Kingdom for Gods sake."

"Hey, just because of my birthright, doesn't mean I'm automatically less bored reading paperwork." You pouted, drinking the coffee in gulps.

"Yes, yes. I've heard enough of them excuses from Linhardt." Hubert finished his cup, watching your every move carefully, as if it were a dance.

"Well that was nice, save the rest for yourself- I didn't buy it for me."

"Alright... what are your plans for today?" Hubert's eyes had a mischievous gleam in them, he foulded his arms as you looked at him with worry.

"Nothing...why?" You inhaled, figiting with the empty china.

'What was he up to?'

"Perfect." He stood up, taking a large stack of papers and dumping them in front of you. "I wasn't joking before, your fluentness in reading my writing will be a good use, get cracking."

You blinked at the man, "Are you for real?"

"Does this look like a Jape, ___?" Hubert leaned over the table, face close to your own- his eyes like daggers.

"Fine. One time only." You blushed, having no way to hide it either.

"We'll see about that." Hubert's eyes wandered your face, how was he so relaxed being this close to you? It was like school all over again, crushing, wanting, longing. And boy he wanted many things in that moment.

"D-do you want me to go back?" You foucsed on your breathing, pulling the papers towards your chest in an attempt to break the clear sexual tension in the room.

"Perhaps you'll focus more, bring them back to me as soon as you're done." He stood up, letting you haul the stack into both arms, hugging it like a teddy.

"Yes, Sir." You teased, the name catching Hubert off guard completely, every inch of his body stiffened at the term. He was being rather demanding, perhaps he deserved it.


Before he could say anything back, you had gone, leaving him to his thoughts alone, something he knew he shouldn't be allowed to do.


OOoooOOoOoo, damn u brave.

FHQ- 'Does this look like a jape,___?'

I want a Hubert. There's no Hubert's near me. Or perhaps I'm just too lazy to find out.

~Deadly feelings~ Hubert x Reader FE3HWhere stories live. Discover now